ACM SRC Grand Finals Candidates, 2014 - 2015
Steven Te Brinke - University of Twente, Netherlands
SAC 2015
Title of Submission: Interpreting Energy Profiles with CEGAR
Daco Harkes - Delft Techcnial University
AOSD 2014
Title of Submission: Relations in Role-Based Data Modeling, Navigation and Updates
Emma Tosch - University of Massachusetts
PLDI 2014
Title of Submission: Programming and Debugging Surveys
John Rula - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Behind the Curtain: The importance of replica selection in next generation cellular networks
Tomas Petricek - University of Cambridge
ICFP 2014
Title of Submission: F# Data:Accessing structured data made easy
Omid Abari - MIT
MobiCom 2014
Title of Submission: Distributed Coherent Transmission Made Seamless
Jonathan Corley - The University of Alabama
Title of Submission: Exploring Omniscient Debugging for Model Transformations
Snigdha Chaturvedi - University of Maryland
Grace Hopper 2014
Title of Submission: Predicting Instructor’s Intervention in MOOC forums
Martin Velez - University of California, Davis
Title of Submission: On the Lexical Distinguishability of Source Code
Shupeng Sun - Carnegie Mellon University
ICCAD 2014
Title of Submission: Fast Statistical Analysis of Rare Circuit Failure Events in High-Dimensional Variation Space
Lu Xiao - Drexel University
FSE 2014
Title of Submission: Detecting and Preventing the Architectural Roots of Bugs
Amanda Bienz - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
SC 2014
Title of Submission: Reducing Communication Costs Associated with Parallel Algebraic Multigrid
Ezgi Cicek - Max Planck Institut
POPL 2015
Title of Submission: Refinement Types for Incremental Computational Complexity
William Ogilvie - University of Edinburgh
CGO 2015
Title of Submission: Intelligent Heuristic Construction with Active Learning
David Weintrop - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Minding the Gap Between Blocks-Based and Text-Based Programming
Kyoungwon Seo - Hanyang University
CHI 2014
Title of Submission: Autonomy-based Rehabilitation Design: Balancing Capability and Complexity
Alejandro Infante - University of Chile
ICSE 2014
Title of Submission: Identifiying caching opportunities by revisiting Object Equality Profiling
Matthew Loring - Cornell University
PLDI 2014
Title of Submission: Generics in Jif
Serguei Makarov - University of Toronto
PACT 2014
Title of Submission: An Event-Based Language for Dynamic Binary Translation Frameworks
Shannon N. Lubetich - Pomona College
Grace Hopper 2014
Title of Submission: Eve Eat Dust Mop: Measuring Syntactic Development in Child Language with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Mitchell Gordon - University of Rochester
Title of Submission: Web Accessibility Evaluation with the Crowd:Rapidly Coding User Testing Video
Shuo Song - Nanjing University
FSE 2014
Title of Submission: Estimating the Effectiveness of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization
Tharindu Rusira - University of Moratuwa
CGO 2015
Title of Submission: Auto-tuning the HotSpot JVM
Thomas Effland - SUNY University of Buffalo
Title of Submission: Focused Retrieval of University Course Descriptions from Highly Variable Sources
2015 Grand Finals Judges
Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis - IBM Dublin Research Lab
Bernd Mohr - Juelich Supercomputing Center
Boyana Norris - University of Oregon
Brent Hailpern - IBM Research
Chris Gniady - University of Arizona
Cindy Hood - Illinois Institute of Technology
Craig Barnes - HERE Chicago
Dave Choffnes - Northeastern University
Davide Di Ruscio - Universita degli Studi Dell'Aquila
Douglas Baldwin - SUNY Geneseo
Douglas Fuller - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eleni Kostis - GSFC/NASA
Elizabeth Hawthorne - Union County College
Erik Altman - IBM
Gabriele Jost - Intel
Hisham Haddad - Kennesaw State University
Jack Davidson - University of Virginia
Jeff Lait - Side Effects Software Inc.
Jennifer Sartor - Ghent University
Joan Krone - Denison University
Joseph A. Konstan - University of Minnesota
Kathleen McCoy - University of Delaware
Kelly Shaw - University of Richmond
Kenny Mitchell - Disney Research
Laurie Williams - North Carolina State University
Lawrence D'Antonio - Ramapo College
Lei Ye - University of Arizona
Liang Gou - IBM Almaden Research Center
Marc Olano - University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Maria Gini - University of Minnesota
Mark Elendt - Side Effects Software Inc.
Meng Wang - Chalmers University of Tech.
Miroslav Velev - Aries Design Automation
Neil Spring - University of Maryland
Paul Bogdan - University of Southern California
Peter Santhanam - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Pralhad Deshpande - IBM Research
Raja Kushalnagar - Rochester Institute of Technology
Rajeev Gupta - IBM Research
Ramon Canal - UPC
Sara Sprenkle - Washington and Lee University
Shuai Hao - AT&T Research
Simon Harper - University of Manchester
Stefanie Tomko - Microsoft Corporation
Stepanie Ludi - Rochester Institute of Technology
Susan Wang - Mills College
Suzanne Rivoire - Sonoma State University
Todd Gamblin - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Students can gain many tangible and intangible rewards from participating in one of ACM’s Student Research Competitions. The ACM Student Research Competition is an internationally recognized venue enabling undergraduate and graduate students to earn:
- Awards: cash prizes, medals, and ACM student memberships
- Prestige: Grand Finalists receive a monetary award and a Grand Finalist certificate that can be framed and displayed
- Visibility: opportunities to meet with researchers in their field of interest and make important connections
- Experience: opportunities to sharpen communication, visual, organizational, and presentation skills in preparation for the SRC experience

2017 Student Research Competition Grand Finals Winners
Kazem Cheshmi, Omid Abari, Calvin Loncaric, Victor Lanvin, Jennifer Vaccaro and Martin Kellogg were the 2017 Grand Finals winners of ACM’s Student Research Competition. The SRC Grand Finals are the culmination of a year-long competition that involved more than 339 computer science students presenting research projects at 24 major ACM conferences.

ASSETS’16 SRC Deadline 24 June 2016
About two weeks left until the deadline for ASSETS’16 SRC!
If you are an undergraduate or graduate student working on accessible computing or assistive technologies, we invite you to submit a two-page contribution to the ASSETS 2016 Student Research Competition (SRC).
This year's ASSETS conference is taking place in Reno, Nevada, USA from October 24th to 26th, 2016.
Submission deadline for the SRC is 24 June 2016.