SRC Grand Finalists 2014
First Place:
Aadithy V. Karthik - University of California, Berkley
ICCAD 2013
Title of Submission: ABCD: Accurate Booleanization of Continuous Dynamical Systems for Analog/Mixed-signal Design
Second Place:
Sai Zhang - University of Washington
ICSE 2013
Title of Submission: ConfDiagnoser: An Automated Configuration Error Diagnosis Tool for Java Software
Third Place:
Ehsan Totoni - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
SC 2013
Title of Submission: Structure-Aware Parallel Algorithm for Solution of Sparse Triangular Linear Systems
First Place:
Bernd Huber - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
CHI 2013
Title of Submission: Foot Position as Indicator of Spatial Interest at Public Displays
Second Place:
James Bornholt - Australian National University
PLDI 2013
Title of Submission: Uncertain<T: Uncertain data as a first-order type
Third Place:
Carlo del Mundo - Virginia Tech University
SC 2013
Title of Submission: Enabling Efficient Intra-Warp Communication for Fourier Transforms in a Many-Core Architecture
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