SRC Grand Finalists 2012
First Place:
Hyungsin Kim - Georgia Institute of Technology
CHI 2011
Title of Submission: Exploring Technological Opportunities for Cognitive Impairment Screening
Second Place:
Yuan Tian - Auburn University
ICS 2011
Title of Submission: Enabling Petascale Data Analysis for Scientific Applications Through Data Reorganization
Third Place:
Matthias Wilhelm - TU Kaiserslautern
Title of Submission: WiFire: A Firewall for Wireless Networks
Honorable Mention:
Xusheng Xiao
ICSE 2011
Title of Submission: Problem Identification for Structural Test Generation: First Step Towards Cooperative Developer Testing
First Place:
Sarah Chasins - Swathmore College
Title of Submission: Efficient Implementation of the Plaid Language
Second Place:
Vanessa Pena Araya - Universidad de Chile
ICSE - 2011
Title of Submission: Test Blueprint: An Effective Visual Support for Test Coverage
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