Winners, SRC 2024-2025
POPL 2025 Winners
First Place:
Grace Tan - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: The Store-Order Consistency Testing Problem for C-like Memory Models
Second Place:
Eugene Flesselle - EPFL
Title of Submission: System Fω with Coherent Implicit Resolution
Third Place:
Adam Husted Kjelstrøm - Aarhus University
Title of Submission: Efficient Strong Simulation of High-level Quantum Gates
First Place:
Jed Koh - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: Property Testing Trace Languages
Second Place:
Raiki Tamura - Kyoto University
Title of Submission: Wanco: WebAssembly AOT Compiler that supports Live Migration
Third Place:
Ryan Alameddine - University of California, Berkeley
Title of Submission: Optimizing Asynchronous Rust with Hydroflow
SC 2024 Winners
First Place:
Jason Ludmir - Rice University
Title of Submission: Increasing the Efficiency of Neutral Atoms by Reducing Qubit Waste from Measurement-Related Ejections
Second Place:
Irene Simo Munoz - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: On the accuracy and efficiency of approximate triangle counting via randomized numerical linear algebra
Third Place:
Abdullah Al Raqibut Islam - University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Title of Submission: Improving SpGEMM Performance Through Reordering and Cluster-wise Computation
First Place:
Jordan Pettyjohn - Colorado School of Mines
Title of Submission: Mind Your Manners: Detoxifying LanUGage Models via Attention Head Intervention
Second Place:
Delina Mekonnen - McMaster University
Title of Submission: Machine Learning Applications for Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis
Third Place:
Abir Haque - University of Kansas
Title of Submission: Parallelization of the Finite Element-based Mesh Warping Algorithm Using Hybrid Parallel Programming
SOSP 2024 Winners
First Place:
Vaastav Anand - Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Title of Submission: Online Specialization of Systems with Iridescent
Second Place:
Jaylen Wang - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Towards Carbon-Aware Spatio-Temporal Multi-Cluster Job Scheduling
Third Place:
Shubham Mishra- UC Berkeley
Title of Submission: PirateShip: Distributed Consensus for (mostly) Trusted Execution Environments
First Place:
Qingyang Cao- Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Possum -- A Tail of Dynamic Flash Capacity for Sustainability
Second Place:
Qixuan Chen- Boston University
Title of Submission: eBPF-mm: Userspace-guided memory management in Linux with eBPF
SIGMICRO 2024 Winners
First Place:
Sanjali Yadav - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Misam: Using ML in Dataflow Selection of Sparse-Sparse Matrix Multiplication
Second Place:
Akshat Ramachandran - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: MicroScopiQ: Accelerating Foundational Models through Outlier-Aware Microscaling Quantization
Third Place:
Zishen Wan - Georgia Tech
Title of Submission: Demystifying Neuro-Symbolic AI through Workload Characterization and Software-Hardware Co-Design
First Place:
Leo Tenenbaum- University of Toronto
Title of Submission: AMuLeT: Automated Design-Time Testing of Secure Speculation Countermeasure
Second Place:
Konstantinos Mores- National Technical University of Athens
Title of Submission: eBPF-mm: Userspace-guided memory management in Linux with eBPF
Third Place:
Rudraneel Sinha - Purdue University
Title of Submission: GPU Architectural Optimization for Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD)
SIGSPATIAL 2024 Winners
First Place:
Yongyi Liu - University of California, Riverside
Title of Submission: Towards Scalable and Expressive Spatial Grouping Queries
First Place:
Ahmed Jaheen- The American University in Cairo
Title of Submission: SimDeep: An Efficient Federated Learning Indoor Localization System with Similarity Aggregation Strategy
ASSETS 2024 Winners
First Place:
Mahmut Erdemli - Carleton University
Title of Submission: Accessible Bus Stop Preview for Visually Impaired
First Place:
Mai Ricaplaza Thøgersen- Aarhus University
Title of Submission: Echolocation as an Accessible Navigation Tool in a Virtual 3D Environment
Second Place:
Kayla Mullen- Wellesley College
Title of Submission: “I’m treating it kind of like a diary”: Characterizing How Users with Disabilities Use AI Chatbots
ICCAD 2024 Winners
First Place:
Siting Liu - Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title of Submission: Enhancing Efficiency and Quality for Routing Stage
Second Place:
Robert S. Aviles - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Managing Pipeline Imbalances in Superconducting Electronics through Clock Scheduling
Third Place:
Jianfeng Wang - Tsinghua University
Title of Submission: Obfuscation-Oriented Secure Hardware and System Design
First Place:
Yize Liu- Zhejiang University
Title of Submission: ReALSM: ReRAM-Assisted Liquid State Machine Architecture for Large-Scale and Low-Power Edge Computing
Second Place:
Jiawei Liao- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Title of Submission: Work-in-Progress: An Integrated Hardware Root-of-Trust for XiangShan RISC-V Processors
ASE 2024 Winners
First Place:
Atish Kumar Dipongkor - University of Central Florida
Title of Submission: Can Large Language Models Comprehend Code Stylometry?
Second Place:
Zihao Rao - Fudan University
Title of Submission: Semi-Automated Verification of Interior Unsafe Code Encapsulation in Real-World Rust Systems
Third Place:
Chenhao Cui - Fudan University
Title of Submission: Finding Performance Issues in Rust Projects
First Place:
Hongyu Chen- Nanjing University
Title of Submission: Efficient Code Causes Inefficiency in Compiler Optimizations
Second Place:
Yuvraj Virk - UC Davis
Title of Submission: Calibration of Large Language Models on Code Summarization
Third Place:
Ramsha Ali- (FAST) , Islamabad Pakistan
Title of Submission: Mining and Recommending Mobile App Features using Data-driven Analytics
SPLASH 2024 Winners
First Place:
Elias Rojas Collins - MIT
Title of Submission: Automatic Local Inverse Calculation for Change of Variables
Second Place:
Leyi Cui- Columbia University
Title of Submission: Towards a Formal Approach to the Analysis of Human-Machine Interaction
First Place:
Craig Liu - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Design of Fractional Permissions for a Gradual Verifier
Second Place:
Youwei Zhong - Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Title of Submission: A Parameterized Framework for the Formal Verification of Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines
Third Place:
Zheyuan Wu - Saarland University
Title of Submission: Kawa: An Abstract Language for Scalable and Variable Detection of Spectre Vulnerabilities
SIGDOC 2024 Winners
First Place:
Rachel Jordan - Texas Tech University
Title of Submission: Terms of Service & Community Guidelines as “Value-Laden” Documents: An (adapted) CADA analysis of “sexual content”
Second Place:
Megan Bronson - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: How can invitational rhetoric be introduced to crisis communication as a lens for diplomacy in the Anthropocene? A case studys
Third Place:
Alison Obright - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Haunting evidence: mapping activity systems in paranormal investigation communities
First Place:
Jocelyn Le - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Gender Inequality: Using "Serious Games" as an Educational Tool for Advocacy
Second Place:
Natasha Valluri - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Tell Me If You Like It: Dissecting design collaboration between students and clients for technical projects
Third Place:
Katie Bingham
Title of Submission: Google Explore App UX Redesign
PACT 2024 Winners
First Place:
Nurlan Nazaraliyev - University of California, Riverside
Title of Submission: LOSS: Lightweight-OS-Support for GPUs
Second Place:
Ravan Nazaraliyev - University of California, Riverside
Title of Submission: Stealth within Security: Exploiting RFM Rowhammer Mitigation for GPU Attacks
Third Place:
Nika Mansouri Ghiasi - ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: Understanding and Modeling the Performance Landscape of Ultra-Dense 3D Memory Systems
First Place:
Sophia Fu - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Accelerating High-Precision Number Theoretic Transforms using Intel AVX-512
Second Place:
Ishita Mehta - University of Colorado Boulder
Title of Submission: Evaluating Rowhammer Impact on Neural Network Accuracy
MODELS 2024 Winners
First Place:
Josselin Enet - Nantes Université
Title of Submission: MLanguage Protocols for Domain-Specific Debugging
Second Place:
Meriem Ben Chaaben - Université de Montréal
Title of Submission: Software Modeling Assistance with Large Language Models
Third Place:
Pascal Archambault - Université de Montréal
Title of Submission: Co-simulation and Crop Representation for Digital Twins of Controlled Environment Agriculture Systems
First Place:
Kyanna Dagenaisn - McMaster University
Title of Submission: Towards Model Repair by Human Opinion--Guided Reinforcement Learning
Second Place:
Nirmal Chaudhari - McMaster University
Title of Submission: Pipelines Have Feelings Too: A Structured Way To Design CI/CD Pipelines
TAPIA 2024 Winners
First Place:
Daniel Campos Zamora - University of Washington
Title of Submission: MoiréWidgets: High-Precision, Passive Tangible Interfaces via Moiré Effects
Second Place:
Laine Rumreich - Ohio State University
Title of Submission: Improving the Efficiency of Causally Ordered Unicast Using a "Minicast"
Third Place:
Zahra Borhani - Colorado State University
Title of Submission: Comparing Instruction Methods for DailyBuddy: A Mobile App for Improving Daily Living Skills for Adults with Autism
First Place:
Hannah Guan - Harvard
Title of Submission: HiDiNet: High-Dimensional Interpretive Network for Modeling Aging Health and Survival
Second Place:
Jalynn Nicoly - McMaster University
Title of Submission: Virtual Timers for Improved Task Management and Collaboration during Resuscitation Procedures
Third Place:
Michael Adeleke - Morgan State University
Title of Submission: CodeBears: Breaking Stereotypes and Feeding the STEM Pipeline
ICFP2024 Winners
First Place:
Shu-Hung You - Nortwestern University
Title of Submission: Contract Calculus à la Carte
Second Place:
Sára Juhošová - Delft University of Technology
Title of Submission: How Novices Perceive Interactive Theorem Provers"
Third Place:
Pablo Castellanos - IMDEA
Title of Submission: Verified Generation of Constraints for the PLONK Protocol
First Place:
Iona Kuhn - Saarland University and University of Oxford
Title of Submission: Verified Equivalence Checker for Omega-Regular Expressions
Second Place:
Nikhil Kamath - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Seedzer: A Full-Stack Pipeline for Fuzzing Deep Learning Compilers
Third Place:
Daniel Pinto - Universidad Simon Bolivar
Title of Submission: Towards an Operational Semantics for a Generalized Spreadsheet Core
SIGCOMM 2024 Winners
First Place:
Milind Srivastava - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Circa: Re-imagining Network Telemetry from an Approximation-First Perspective
Second Place:
Francisco Germano Vogt - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Title of Submission: Demo: P4 Replay (P4R): Reproducing Packet Traces and Stateful Connections at Line-Rate on Your P4-capable Hardware
Third Place:
Federico De Marchi - Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Title of Submission: Opportunistic Credit-Based Transport for Reconfigurable Data Center Networks with Tidal
First Place:
Hyun Hu Park - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: Controlling TCP Socket Queueing Delay
SIGGRAPH 2024 Winners
First Place:
Samuel Zuehlkeo - University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Title of Submission: MTexEdge: Towards an Approach for Optimization of Sensor Layouts in Textile Interfaces
Second Place:
Aleksander Plocharski - Warsaw University of Technology
Title of Submission: Neuro-Symbolic Transformation of Architectural Facades into Their Procedural Representations
Third Place:
Hongzheng Chen - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Image Segmentation from Shadow-Hints using Minimum Spanning Trees
First Place:
Shingo Hattori - Cluster Metaverse Lab
Title of Submission: Measurement of the Imperceptible Threshold for Color Vibration Pairs Selected by using MacAdam Ellipse
Second Place:
Vaya Simeonova - NCCA, Bournemouth University
Title of Submission: O, What an Iridescent Web We Weave: Rendering Physically Inspired Spider Webs for Visual Effects
Third Place:
Jolie Cher - University of Greenwich
Title of Submission: Picture (Im-) Perfect - Exploring Imperfections in Computer Generated Rendering
ESEC/FSE 2024 Winners
First Place:
Md Nakhla Rafi - Concordia University
Title of Submission: Enhancing Code Representation for Improved Graph Neural Network-Based Fault Localization
Second Place:
Débora Lêda de Lucena Souza - Federal University of Campina Grande
Title of Submission: Comparing Gemini Pro and GPT-3.5 in Algorithmic Problems
Third Place:
Lin Ling - Concordia University
Title of Submission: Evaluating Social Bias in Code Generation Models
First Place:
Chihao Yu - University of California, San Diego
Title of Submission: Unlocking the Full Potential of AI Chatbots: A Guide to Maximizing Your Digital Companions
PLDI 2024 Winners
First Place:
Noé De Santo - EPFL
Title of Submission: Mechanized semantics for ECMAScript regexes
Second Place:
Michalis Pardalos - Imperial College London
Title of Submission: Who checks the checkers? Steps towards reliable equivalence checking
Third Place:
Hongzheng Chen - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Revealing Optimizations in High-Performance Kernel Libraries: A Program Synthesis Approach to Schedule Reconstruction
First Place:
Lee Zheng Han - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: Monitoring Linearizability in Polynomial Time
Second Place:
Viktor Fukala - MIT and ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: Formally Verified Low-Level C Implementation of Crit-Bit Trees in a Live Verification Tool
Third Place:
Caroline Cronjäger - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Title of Submission: The Never-Ending Trace: Catching Divergent Goto Cycles
SIGMETRICS 2024 Winners
First Place:
Shefali Ramakrishna - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Transform Analysis of Preemption Overhead in the M/G/1
Second Place:
Louis Hauseux - INRIA
Title of Submission: How can we theoretically measure the performance of density-based clustering algorithms?
Third Place:
Ming Xiang - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Taming Client Availability in Federated Learning in the Presence of Arbitrary and Unknown Dynamics
First Place:
Jason Han - Rice University
Title of Submission: Turning Quantum Noise on its Head: Using the Noise for Diffusion Models to Generate Images
Second Place:
Yuncheng Yao - New York University Shanghai
Title of Submission: MLFD: the Implementation and Performance Evaluation of an LSTM-based, SmartNIC-Offloadable Failure Detector
PASC 2024 Winners
First Place:
Marc Marot-Lassauzaie - Technical University Munich
Title of Submission: Mixed-Precision in High-Order Methods: Studying the Impact of Lower Numerical Precisions on the ADER-DG Algorithm
Second Place:
Stephen Nicholas Swatman - CERN, University of Amsterdam
Title of Submission: Finding Optimistic Upper Bounds for Task Graph Throughput on Heterogeneous Systems Using Linear Programming
Third Place:
Sonali Mayani - Sorbonne University, ArData
Title of Submission: Efficient, Portable, Massively Parallel Free-Space Solvers for the Poisson Equation
CHI 2024 Winners
First Place:
Jullia Lim - Columbia University
Title of Submission: The Potential of Learning With AI-Generated Pedagogical Agents in Instructional Videos?
Second Place:
Sandra Kostic - Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security
Title of Submission: Who is the Better Operator of an Identity Wallet Prioritised by the User? - A Quantitative Survey Between State and Company
Third Place:
Ege Otenen - Indiana University
Title of Submission: Towards Designing for Multimodal Remembering: Findings from an Interview Study
First Place:
Aliea Nallbani - Wellesley College
Title of Submission: Exploring LLM-based Chatbot for Language Learning and Cultivation of Growth Mindset
Second Place:
Donghee Hyun - Kookmin university
Title of Submission: Green Cloud: Supporting Sustainable Behavior by Helping Users Remove Unnecessary Photos from Cloud Storage Service
Third Place:
Anna Lieb - Wellesley College
Title of Submission: Student Interaction with NewtBot: An LLM-as-tutor Chatbot for Secondary Physics Education
ICSE 2024 Winners
First Place:
Zhou Yang - Singapore Management University
Title of Submission: Classifying Source Code: How Far Can Compressor-based Classifiers Go?
Second Place:
Yang Chen - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaigny
Title of Submission: Flakiness Repair in the Era of Large Language Models
Third Place:
Ali Reza Ibrahimzada - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaigny
Title of Submission: Program Decomposition and Translation with Static Analysis
SAC 2024 Winners
First Place:
Sofiia Drozd - NTUU KPI
Title of Submission: Detection of War-Caused Agricultural Field Damages Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data with Machine Learning and Anomaly Detectiong
Second Place:
Gayatri Priyadarsini Kancherlae - Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
Title of Submission: Least Privilege Persistent-Storage Access in Web Browsers
Third Place:
Ignacio D. Lopez-Miguel - TU Wien
Title of Submission: Enhancing Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems Through Runtime Enforcement
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