How Sharing My Ideas Helped Me
“Any student interested in research will greatly benefit from competing in an SRC. Aside from being a great opportunity to practice pitching and defending one’s own research ideas, it’s also a lot of fun!”
— Dan Levin, Technical University of Berlin
“The SRC was an ideal opportunity to share my work with diverse communities and refine my presentation skills. Participating as an undergraduate student marked a significant step in my academic career.”
— Mayu Yamashita, Keio University
“ACM SRC gave me a great opportunity to present my work to the research community and helped me perfect my presentation skills for a wider audience. Also, the award gave me recognition in the HPC community at the most relevant conference (SC).”
— Ehsan Totoni, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
SC 2013
“SRC gave me the opportunity to practice my presentation skills and to interact with professionals in the field. It helped me to better formulate my ideas and knowledge. It is truly a wonderful and enriching experience.”
— Amna AlZeyara, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
Grace Hopper 2013
“The SRC was an excellent opportunity to get real feedback from great minds in the community on ongoing research work. Also, feedback on presentation helped greatly in preparing for full conference publications.”
— Peter Ohmann, University of Wisconsin - Madison
“The 2014 SRC not only allowed me to present my research, but gave me an opportunity to converse with professors from all over the country and receive praise, critiques and suggestions to advance my research. SRC also allowed me to go back to the program that funded my research and provide them with testimonials from reviewers of my project.”
— John Hirdt, St. Joseph’s College
“Participating in the CHI 2013 SRC was a great way to improve my research with feedback from industrial and research leaders in Human-Computer Interaction. I had the opportunity to present my research to the broader community.”
— Bernd Huber, Technische Universität München, Germany
CHI 2013
ACM Student Research Competition