How Sharing My Ideas Helped Me
"It was such a wonderful opportunity to attend at ACM SRC to present my ideas to a large and diverse audience of researchers from both industry and academia, who gave me encouragement and constructive feedback. Also, I gained confidence in answering questions about my research. I strongly recommend aspiring students to participate! "
Laleh Ghalami, Wayne State University
Tapia 17

"Attending ACM SIGSPATIAL SRC has been a great opportunity and an amazing experience. I have been able to present my research and receive insightful feedback. I am very proud to be an SRC winner. To me, this shows appreciation for my research from esteemed researchers. Now, I feel motivated to improve my research and to pursue new research directions."
Ahmed Mahmood, Purdue University,

“The ACM SRC was an amazing opportunity to present the initial result of my research and to get constructive feedback. The unique experience of going through multiple rounds of submission and presentation, and of discussing my research with experts in my area helped me boost my confidence. It was an incredible and enriching experience to be a participant of the SRC.”
Sabirat Rubya, University of Minnesota
CHI 2017

“The SRC is one of the most memorable experiences I have had at conferences. In particular, the poster session was a wonderful opportunity to learn how to present my work to people having different levels of knowledge.
Choosing a right focus according to the audience/readers is an essential skill; I believe that what I gained at the SRC would be very helpful when giving a talk or writing a paper in my future career.”
Youyou Cong, Ochanomizu University
POPL 2018

“Attending the ACM SRC was a wonderful way to experience my first academic conference. I was able to interact with highly-regarded researchers from both academia and industry, hear their feedback on my work, and contextualize the importance of my work within the more general trends in my field of research. I also had time to attend presentations on cutting-edge research and emerging technologies, and connect with like-minded students from around the world.”
Peter Harrington, University of California Santa Cruz

"The ACM SRC gave me the unique opportunity to present my work to a broad audience. I was able to hone my skills by presenting my research to a wide variety of people, including computing professionals not directly working in my research area. This helped me to distill down my research to the most important details and be exposed to a wide variety of other disciplines."
Rob Lyerly, Virginia Tech

“Participating in The ACM SRC was a milestone in my PhD studies. Knowing that I can achieve a medal position with my research subject, poster and presentation was a very needed reinforcement that my planned PhD manuscript is going the right way. The ACM SRC is well-organized and professional, and the feedback from judges is very beneficial for the next projects.”
Ladislav Marsik, Charles University
SAC 2017

ACM Student Research Competition
The ACM Student Research Competition is an internationally recognized venue enabling undergraduate and graduate students to experience the research world, share research results and exchange ideas, rub shoulders with academic and industry luminaries, understand the practical applications of their research and gain recognition.