ACM SRC Grand Finals Candidates, 2012 - 2013
Cynthia Disenfeld - Technion Israel Institute of Technology
AOSD 2012
First Place
Title of Submission: Compositional Verification of Events and Aspects
Jurgen Van Ham - TU Darmstadt
AOSD 2012
Third Place
Title of Submission: EventGateways: Combining Escala Events with Actors
Javier Torrente - Complutense University of Madrid
First Place
Title of Submission: Supporting Player Diversity: Game Interfaces for People with Disabilities
Heather Underwood - University of Colorado, Boulder
CHI 2012
First Place;
Title of Submission: The PartoPen: Using Digital Pen Software to Improve Birth Attendant Training and Maternal Outcomes in Kenya
Shao-Yun Fang - NTU
DAC 2012
First Place;
Title of Submission: Lithography Optimization for Sub-22 Nanometer Technologies
Brandon Noia - Duke University
DAC 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Test-Architecture Optimization for 3D Stacked ICs
Jeyavijayan Rajendran - Polytechnic Institute of New York University
DAC 2012
Third Place
Title of Submission: Empowering Hardware Security using IC Testing Principles
Zalia Shams - Virginia Tech
Grace Hopper 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Evaluating Students' Assignments by Assessing How Well Students Test Their Own Code
Awalin Sopan - University of Maryland
Grace Hopper 2012
Third Place;
Title of Submission: The Dynamics of Web-Based Community Safety Groups: Lessons Learned from the Nation of Neighbor
Thomas Schilling - University of Kent
ICFP 2012
First Place;
Title of Submission: Lambdachine: A Trace-based Just-in-time Compiler for Haskell
Tomas Petricek - University of Cambridge
ICFP 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Language support for context-aware computations
Kelly Blincoe - Drexel University
ICSE 2012
First Place;
Title of Submission: Timely and Efficient Detection of Coordination Needs to Support Collaboration among Software Developers
Soudip Chowdhury - UNITN
ICSE 2012
Third Place;
Title of Submission: Assisting Mashup Development in Browser Based Modeling Tool
Riccardo Crepaldi - University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Mobicom 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: LoadingZones: Leveraging Street Parking to Enable Vehicular Internet Access
Michele Segata - University of Insbruk
Mobicom 2012
Third Place;
Title of Submission: Towards Communication Strategies for Platooning
Matthew Gaudet - University of Alberta
PACT 2012
First Place;
Title of Submission: Transactional Event Profiling in a Best-Effort Hardware Transactional Memory System
Gennady Pekhimenko - Carnegie Mellon University
PACT 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Linearly Compressed Pages: A Main Memory Compression Framework with Low Complexity and Low Latency
Leo Meyerovich - UC Berkeley
PLDI 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Synthesis and Parallelization for Layout Languages
Michael M. Vitousek - University of Colorado at Boulder
PLDI 2012
Third Place
Title of Submission: Gradual Typing with Efficient Object Casts
Ellis H. Wilson - Pennsylvania State University
SC 2012
Second Place
Title of Submission: Performing Cloud Computing on a Parallel File System
Pietro Marchetta - University of Napoli
Sigcomm 2012
First Place
Title of Submission: Detecting Third Party Addresses in Traceroute IP Paths
Matthew Grosvenor - Cambridge University
Sigcomm 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Between a rock and a hardware place: Ultraviolet and the case for Userspace Virtual hardware
Nanxi Kang - Princeton University
Sigcomm 2012
Third Place;
Title of Submission: Policy Transformation in Software Defined Networks
Marc Rubin - Colorado School of Mines
First Place;
Title of Submission: On-Mote Compressive Sampling in Wireless Seismic Sensor Networks
James Maher - Colorado School of Mines
Third Place
Title of Submission: A Comprehensive Machine Learning Approach to Predicting and Maximizing Penetration Rates in Earth Pressure Balance Tunnel Boring Machines
Tiffany Inglis - University of Waterloo
Siggraph 2012
First Plac;
Title of Submission: Pixelating Vector Line Art
Matthew Hirsch - MIT Media Lab
Siggraph 2012
Second Place;
Title of Submission: 8D:Interacting with a Relightable Glasses-Free 3D Display
Gustavo Soares - Federal University of Campina Grande
Splash 2012
First Place
Title of Submission: Automated Behavioral Testing of Refactoring Engines
Mark Zarb - University of Dundee
Splash 2012
Second Place
Title of Submission: Industry Inspired Guidelines to improve students' pair programming Communication
Antonia Blanca - UC Berkeley
First place
Title of Submission: Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for the mean field random-cluster model
Mairin C. Chesney - Michigan State University
Grace Hopper 2012
First Place
Title of Submission: Harnessing Evolution: The Interaction between Sexual Recombination and Coevolution in Digital organisms
Kaleigh A. Clary - Hendrix College
Grace Hopper 2012
Third Place
Title of Submission: A Comparison of the Self-Organizing Map and Growing Neural Gas Network in the Context of Optical Character Recognition
Franciso Ferriera - McGill University
ICFP 2012
First Place
Title of Submission: Bringing Higher-Order Abstract Syntax to Programmer
Olivier Savary-Belanger - McGill University
ICFP 2012
Second Place
Title of Submission: Programming type safe transformations in Beluga
Pablo Estefo - Universidad de Chile
ICSE 2012
Title of Submission: Restructuring Unit Tests with TestSurgeon
Sulochana Bramhacharya - Hiram College
Second Place
Title of Submission: Metagenomic Data Analysis Using Clustering
Demetrius Taylor - Lamar University
Third Place
Title of Submission: Enabling a Resource Limited Robot to Formulate Complex Plans
Zack F. Coker - Auburn University
First Place
Title of Submission: Security-oriented Program Transformations to Cure Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities
Nathan Fulton - Carthage College
Second Place;
Title of Submission: Security Through Extensible Type Systems
Kayo Teramoto - Yale University
SC 2012
First Place
Title of Submission: Pay as You GO in the Cloud: One Watt at a Time
2013 Grand Finals Judges
Adam Welc - Adode
Akila Gothandaraman - University of Pittsburgh
Anne Aula - Google
Armando Solar - MIT
Barrett Bryant - University of North Texas
Bernd Mohr - Forschungszentrum Jülich
Brent Hailpern - IBM Research
Chris Gniady - University of Arizona
Christoph Bockisch - University of Twente
Diana Marulescu - Carnegie Mellon University
Donal Fitzpatrick - Dublin City University
Doaitse Swierstra - Universiteit Utrecht
Douglas Baldwin - SUNY Geneseo
Douglas Fuller - Oak Ridge National Labs
Elizabeth Hawthorne - Union County College
Dr. Ajay Mahimkar - AT&T Labs
Dr. He Yan - AT&T Labs
Dr. Jeonghee Shin - IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Gabriele Jost - Texas Advanced Computing Center
Gloria Townsend - DePauw University
Jack Davidson - University of Virginia
Jim Kiper - Miami University, Ohio
Joseph A. Konstan - University of Minnesota
Joshua Leon - Dalhousie University
Kelly Shaw - Software Research Associates
Lawrence D'Antonio - Ramapo College
Li Li - Alcatel-Lucent
Maria Gini - University of Minnesota
Matthew Caesar - University of Illinois
Michele Weiland - University of Edinburgh
Michael Mulller - IBM
Navendu Jain - Microsoft Research
Neil Spring - University of Maryland
Pam Cutter - Kalamazoo College
Raja Kushalnagar - Rochester Institute of Technology
Raja Balasubramonian - University of Utah
Renee Bryce - Utah State niversity
Srinivas Katkoori - University of South Floria
Stephanie Ludi - Rochester Institute of Technology
Susan Wang - Mills College
Tabitha Peck - Duke University
Todd Gamblin - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
William Brinkman - Miami University, Ohio
Vicki Hanson - University of Dundee
Jia Wang - AT&T
Wenye Wang - North Carolina State University
Xiaoming Li - University of Delaware
Xipeng Shen - Willam and Mary College
Xue Yang - Intel
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