ACM SRC Grand Finals Candidates, 2015 - 2016
Swarnendu Biswas - Ohio State University
PLDI 2015
Title of Submission: Valor: Efficient, Software-Only Region Conflict Exceptions
Christopher Theisen - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Automated Attack Surface Approximation
Risa Myers - Rice University
Grace Hopper 2015
Title of Submission: Intracranial Pressure Crises:Predicting 30 Minutes Out
Miguel Angel Aguilar - Aachen University
PACT 2015
Title of Submission: Unified Identification of Multiple Forms of Parallelism in Embedded Applications
Seungbae Bang - KAIST
Title of Submission: Interactive Rigging
Maira Rejane Marques Samary - Universidad de Chile
Title of Submission: Monitoring - An Intervention to Improve Team Results in Software Engineering Education
Jorg Schlotterer - Inria Lille Nord Europe
SAC 2015
Maria Gomez - Inria Lille Nord Europe
MobileSoft 2015
Title of Submission: Debugging of Mobile Apps in the Wild Guided by the Wisdom of Crowds
Mario Linares-Vasquez - The College of William and Mary
ICSE 2015
Title of Submission: Enabling Testing of Android Apps
Pedro Kirk - Goldsmiths College
CHI 2015
Title of Submission: Enabling Testing of Android Apps
Onur Sahin - Boston University
ICCAD 2015
Title of Submission: Pushing QoS-Awareness into Thermal Management for Sustainable User Experience in Mobile Devices
Ivan Ruchkin - Carnegie Mellon University
Models 2015
Title of Submission: Architectural and Analytic Integration of Cyber-Physical System Models
Suguman Bansal - Rice University
POPL 2016
Title of Submission: Reasoning about incentive compatibility
Thomas Degueule - IRISA - INRIA
Modularity 2015
Title of Submission: Towards Language Interfaces for DSLs Integration
Yongsun Kim - Northwestern University
CHI 2015
Title of Submission: Libero: On-the-go Crowdsourcing for Package Delivery
Jennifer Paykin - University of Pennsylvania
ICFP 2015
Title of Submission: Curry-Howard for Callbacks
Adnan Haider - Illinois Institute of Technology
SC 2015
Title of Submission: Lessons from Post-Processing Climate Data on Modern Flash-Based HPC Systems
Shuktika Jain - Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi
Title of Submission: Automated Generation of Programming Language Quizzes
Jeevana Priya Inala - MIT
PLDI 2015
Title of Submission: Type Assisted Synthesis of Programs with Algebraic Data types
2016 Grand Finals Judges
Anne Koziolek - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Alfonso Pierantonio - University of L'Aquila
Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis - IIBM Dublin Research Lab
Arnon Sturm - Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev
Bo Brinkman - Miami University Ohio
Boyana Norris - University of Oregon
Brent Hailpern - IBM Research
Chris Gniady - University of Arizona
Cigdem Sengul - Nominet
Cindy Hood - Illinois Institute of Technology
Clayton H. Lewis - University of Colorado
David Lo - Singapore Management University
Fatma Mili - Purdue University
Douglas Baldwin - SUNY Geneseo
Geri Georg - Colorado State University
Harald Storrle - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Helen Nicole Kostis - NASA GESTAR/USRA
Houari Sahraoui - DIRO, Universite De Montreal
Ivan Porres - Abo Akademi University
Jack Davidson - University of Virginia
Jeff Gray - University of Alabama
Jeff Lait - Side Effects Software Inc.
Joan Krone - Denison University
Joseph A. Konstan - University of Minnesota
Judith Bishop - Microsoft Research
Kelly Shaw - University of Richmond
Khaled Ibrahim - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Lawrence D'Antonio - Ramapo College
Lei Ye - University of Arizona
Lior Limonad - IBM
Mark Elendt - Side Effects Software Inc.
Martina Seidl - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Massimiliano Di Penta - University of Sannio
Mira Balaban - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Miroslav Velev - Aries Design Automation
Navendu Jain - Microsoft Research
Pam Cutter - Kalamazoo College
Paolo Bellavista - University of Bologna, Italy
Paul Bogdan - University of Southern California
Raja Kushalnagar - Rochester Institute of Technology
Ramon Canal - UPC
Sara Sprenkle - Washington and Lee University
Spiros Antonatos - IBM Ireland Research Lab
Steffen Zschaler - King's College London
Stepanie Ludi - Rochester Institute of Technology
Thomas Fritz - University of Zurich
Tien N. Nguyen - Iowa State University
Todd Gamblin - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ACM Student Research Competition

2017 Student Research Competition Grand Finals Winners
Kazem Cheshmi, Omid Abari, Calvin Loncaric, Victor Lanvin, Jennifer Vaccaro and Martin Kellogg were the 2017 Grand Finals winners of ACM’s Student Research Competition. The SRC Grand Finals are the culmination of a year-long competition that involved more than 339 computer science students presenting research projects at 24 major ACM conferences.

ASSETS’16 SRC Deadline 24 June 2016
About two weeks left until the deadline for ASSETS’16 SRC!
If you are an undergraduate or graduate student working on accessible computing or assistive technologies, we invite you to submit a two-page contribution to the ASSETS 2016 Student Research Competition (SRC).
This year's ASSETS conference is taking place in Reno, Nevada, USA from October 24th to 26th, 2016.
Submission deadline for the SRC is 24 June 2016.