ACM SRC Grand Finals Candidates, 2016 - 2017
Anne Edmundson - Princeton University
Title of Submission: A First Look into Transnational Routing Detours
Arik Hadas - Open University of Israel
Modularity 2016
Title of Submission: Language Oriented Modularity: A Practical Approach
Ashwin Shashidharan - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Computational Steering for Geosimulations
Calvin Loncaric - University of Washington
FSE 2016
Title of Submission: Cozy: Synthesizing Collection Data Structures
Daniel Welch - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Scaling Up Automated Verification: A Case Study and A Formalization IDE for Building High Integrity Software
Elston Steele - Trident University International
MIS/CPR 2016
Title of Submission: Investigating the Role of Top Management Support between Institutional Pressures and Cloud Implementation Success
Gábor Szárnyas - Budapest University
Title of Submission: Scalable Graph Query Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Models
Henrik Barthels - RWTH Aachen University
Title of Submission: Linnea: A Compiler for Linear Algebra Operations
Kazem Chesmi - Rutgers University
CGO 2017
Title of Submission: Decoupling Symbolic from Numeric in Sparse Matrix Computations
Lisa Nguyen Quang Do - Fraunhofer IEM
PLDI 2016
Title of Submission: User-Centric Static Analysis
MHD Yemen Saraiji - Keio University
Title of Submission: Layered Telespresence:Simultaneous Mutli Presence using Eye Gaze based Perpetual Awareness Blending
Omid Abari - MIT
MobiCom 2016
Title of Submission: Cutting the Cord in Virtual Reality
Roman Kaplan - Technion
PACT 2016
Title of Submission: From Near-Data Processing to In-Data Processing-in-Storage
Rosemary Koikara - Kyungpook National University, South Korea
SAC 2016
Title of Submission: SAC: G: 3-D Cellular Automata based PRNG
Rubens E.A. Moreira - UFMG, Brazil
CGO 2016
Title of Submission: Inference of Peak Density of Indirect Branches to Detect ROP Attacks
Setareh Ariafar - Northeastern University
Grace Hopper 2016
Title of Submission: Network-SVM: Support Vector Machine for Network Data
Sourav Chakraborty - Ohio State University
SC 2016
Title of Submission: Job Startup at Exascale: Challenges and Solutions
William Bowman - Northeastern University
POPL 2017
Title of Submission: Toward Type-Preserving Compilation of Coq
Xiaoqing Xu - University of Texas at Austin
ICCAD 2016
Title of Submission: Toward Unidirectional Routing Closure in Advanced Technology Nodes
Clarissa Bruno Tuxen - Emory University
Grace Hopper 2016
Title of Submission: Scaling in Socially Driven Computer Networks
Jennifer Vaccaro - Olin College of Engineering
ICCAD 2016
Title of Submission: Applying Computer Modeling to Post-Silicon Validation
Jessica Cherayil - Wellesley College
Title of Submission: PIXELDUST: Supporting Dynamic Area of Interest Tagging in Programming Studies with Eye Tracking
Joshua Buck - University of Dayton
Title of Submission: Mixed-initiative Personal Assistant Agents
Martin Kellogg - University of Washington
FSE 2016
Title of Submission: Combining Bug Detection and Test Case Generation
Mirko Gelsomini - Politecnico di Milano
Title of Submission: An Affordable Wearable Immersive Virtual Reality Framework for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Nathaniel Stone - University of South Carolina
MobiCom 2016
Title of Submission: Assessing Header Impacts in Soccer with Smartball
Shoichi Furukawa - Waseda University
Title of Submission: Video Reshuffling: Automatic Video Dubbing without Prior Knowledge
Vasu Jindal - University of Texas at Dallas
MobileSoft 2016
Title of Submission: A Deep Learning Framework to Monitor Heart Rate During Intensive Physical Exercise
Victor Lanvin - ENS Paris Saclay
POPL 2017
Title of Submission: Gradual Set-Theoretic Types
William Agnew - Georgia Institute of Technology
SC 2016
Title of Submission: Touring Dataland? Automated Recommendations for the Big Data Traveler
2017 Grand Finals Judges
Akila Gothandaraman - University of Pittsburgh
Arnon Sturm - Ben-Gurion University
Bernd Mohd - Juelich Supercomputing Center
Bo Brinkman - Miami University Ohio
Boyana Norris - University of Oregon
Brent Hailpern - IBM Research
Chris Gniady - University of Arizona
Christoph Bockisch - Philipps-Universitat Marburg
Craig Barnes - HERE
David Lo - Singapore Management University
Davide DiRuscio - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Donal Fitzpatrick - Dublin City University
Erik Altman - IBM
Gustavo Soares - Federal Univ. of Campina Grande
Hamid Pirahesh - IBM
Hossein Shariar - Kennesaw State University
Jeff Lait - Side Effects Software Inc.
Jim Kiper - Miami University, Ohio
Joan Krone - Denison University
Joel Greenyer - Leibniz Universitat Hannover
Kelly Shaw - University of Richmond
Lawrence D'Antonio - Ramapo College
Lei Ye - University of Arizona
Liang Gou - VISA Research
Maja Vukovic - IBM Research
Marc Olano - University of Maryland, Baltimore
Mark Elendt - Side Effects Software Inc.
Maria Gini - Univeristy Side Effects Software Inc.
Martina Seidl - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Michela Taufer - University of Delaware
Miroslav Velev - Aries Design Automation
Moustafa Youssef - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
Natasa Miskov-Zivanov - University of Pittsburgh
Navendu Jain - Microsoft Research
Paolo Bellavista - University of Bologna, Italy
Rajeev Balasubramonian - University of Utah
Ramon Canal - UPC
Sara Sprenkle - Washington and Lee University
Spiros Antonatos - IBM Ireland Research Lab
Srinivas Katkoori - University of South Florida
Stephanie Ludi - University of North Texas
Stephanie Vie - University of Central Florida
Tamy Boubekeur - Telecom Paris Tech
Tobias Paper - University of Potsdam
Umit Ogras - Arizona State University
Wenye Wang - NC State University
Young-Woo Kwon - Utah State University
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