Winners, SRC 2007 - 2008
First Place:
Junqing Sun - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Title of Submission: Obtaining High Performance via Lower-Precision FPGA Floating Point Units
Second Place:
Timothy Hartley - Ohio State University
Title of Submission: Storing and Searching Massive Scale-free Graphs Author Information
Third Place:
Alexandru Iosup - Delft University of Technology
Title of Submission: GrenchMark: A Framework for Testing Large-Scale Distributed Computing Systems
First Place:
Otavio Lemos
Title of Submission: CodeGenie: A Tool for Test-Driven Source Code Search
Second Place:
Marwan Abi-Antoun
Title of Submission: Assuring the Execution Architecture of Object-Oriented Programs using Ownership Domain Annotations
Third Place:
Emerson Murphy-Hill
Title of Submission: Activating Refactorings Faster
First Place:
Himabindu Pucha - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Exploiting Similarity for Multi-Source Downloads Using File Handprints~
Second Place:
Wanmin Wu - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title of Submission: Towards Multi-Party Collaboration in 3D Tele-Immersive Environments
Third Place:
Amrita Pati
Title of Submission: Genomic Signatures from DNA Word Graphs
First Place:
Neha Singh
First Place:
Joy Kamunyori - University of Virginia
Title of Submission: Handling Self-Modifying Code Using Software Dynamic Translation
Second Place:
Tao Cui - California Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Opportunistic Source Coding for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
Third Place:
Talithia Willliams - Rice University
Title of Submission: A Spatio-Temporal Model for Bias Estimation in Radar Rainfal Data
First Place:
Michael Eagle - University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Title of Submission: Wu's Castle: Teaching For Loops and Arrays Using Games
Second Place:
Jerry Backer - City University of New York
Title of Submission: The Effect of Memory Bandwidth on Processor Performance
Third Place:
Lonnie T. Parker - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Learning Locomotion Behaviors for Adaptation of Omni-Directional Walking Patterns
First Place:
Jun Gong
Second Place:
Darren Lunn
Title of Submission: SADIe: Exposing Implicit Information to Improve Accessibility
First Place:
Shravan Rayanchu
Title of Submission: Deconstructing Wireless Errors: Collision or 'Bad' Channel
Second Place:
Mehedi Bakht and Yuan Yuan
Title of Submission: Mehedi Bakht: On the Feasibility of High-power Radios in Sensor Networks
Third Place:
Udayan Kumar
Title of Submission: Gender-based feature analysis in Campus-wide WLANS
First Place:
Eric Brochu
Title of Submission: Preference Galleries for BRDF Design
Second Place:
Lu Liu
Title of Submission: Surface Network Construction from Non-parallel Cross-sections
Third Place:
Sumit Jain
Title of Submission: Optimization-Based Interactive Motion Synthesis for Virtual Characters
First Place:
Lakshminarayanan Renganarayana - Colorado State University
Title of Submission: Posynomials: the Language of Optimal Tiling
Second Place:
David Lo - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: A Sound and Complete Specification Miner
Third Place:
Ramakrishna Gummadi - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Global Atomicity Guarantees for Sensor Networks
First Place:
Matei Zaharia
Title of Submission: Fast and Optimal Scheduling over Multiple Network Interfaces
Second Place:
Kevin Dick
Title of Submission: A Mathematical Model of Hardware Prefetching
CHI 2007 Winners
First Place:
Wendy Moncur - Universities of Aberdeen & Dundee
Title of Submission: Providing Affective Information to Family and Friends Based on Social Networks
Second Place:
Nathan G. Freier - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Children Distinguish Conventional from Moral Violations in Interactions with a Personified Agent
Third Place:
Eric Lee - RWTH Aachen University
First Place:
Satyendra Nainwal - University of Michigan
Second Place:
Anthony Collins - University of Sydney
Title of Submission: Exploring Tabletop File System Interaction
First Place:
Jiang Zheng - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: On Regression Testing COTS-based Applications
Second Place:
Seiji Isotani - Osaka University
Title of Submission: Using Ontologies to Develop Theory-aware Collaborative Learning Applications
Third Place:
Ewa Misiolek- University of Notre Dame
Title of Submission: Two Flow Network Simplification Algorithms
First Place:
Anthony Gitter - Arizona State University
Title of Submission: Biomedical Information Extraction Through Deep Parsing and Syntactic Role Matching
Second Place:
Maria A. Kazandjieva - Mt. Holyoke College
Title of Submission: Economic Models for Resource Sharing in Wireless Networks
Third Place:
Christopher Earl- Ohio Wesleyan University
Title of Submission: Shared Shortest Paths
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