Winners, SRC 2023-2024
SIGCSE 2024 Winners
First Place:
Brendan Henrique - University of Califorinia, Berkeley
Title of Submission: Exploring K-12 Teachers' Trajectories of Engagement with Critically Conscious Computing
Second Place:
Ashish Hingle - George Mason University
Title of Submission: Accessing and Democratizing AI for Whom? Student Learning through an Algorithm-Centered Supply Chain Case Study
Third Place:
Samuel Mazzone - Marquette University
Title of Submission: Energizing Web Development in the Exploring Computer Science Curriculum
First Place:
Edward Kempa- University of Florida
Title of Submission: Understanding Engineering Students’ Ethical and Algorithmic Decision Preferences through a Consequentialist Framework
Second Place:
Carly Solomon - University of Florida
Title of Submission: Undergraduate Facilitators as Role Models for Middle School Learners within an AI Summer Camp
Third Place:
Brij Howard-Sarin - Williams College
Title of Submission: The Future of the Error Message: Comparing Large Language Models and Novice Programmer Effectiveness in Fixing Errors
Programming 2024 Winners
First Place:
Idriss Riouak - Lund University
Title of Submission: Using Static Analysis to Improve the Efficiency of Program Analysis
Second Place:
Lo Heander - Lund University
Title of Submission: DAPPER - Seamless, Tailored Code Review
Third Place:
Matt Griffin - University of Surrey
Title of Submission: Binary Analysis in Isabelle/HOL
First Place:
Erdem Yildirim - University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
Title of Submission: Set-theoretic Maps with Type Variables
CGO 2024 Winners
First Place:
Jingwen Pan - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Compiling Approximate Computation to Probabilistic Program
Second Place:
Michel Weber - ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: Relaxing Alias Analysis: Exploring the Unexplored Space
Third Place:
Ismet Dagli - Colorado School of Mines
Title of Submission: H-EYE: Holistic Performance Modeling for Diversely Scaled Systems
First Place:
Callum Groeger - University of Edinbugh
Title of Submission: A Unified Framework for Query Compilers
Second Place:
Dalia Shaaban - ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: Interactively Exploring the Compiler Design Space: xdsl-gui
Third Place:
Mehmet Eymen Ünay - Istanbul Technical University
Title of Submission: A Custom RISC-V Instruction to Elevate Cryptographic Algorithm Performance
POPL 2024 Winners
First Place:
Orpheus Van Rooji - Rabdboud University
Title of Submission: A Substructural Type and Effect System
Second Place:
Anoud Alshnakat - KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: HOL4P4: A Heapless Small-Step Semantics and Type System for P4
Third Place:
Wenhao Tang - The University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Session-Typed Effect Handlers
First Place:
Jakub Bachurski - University of Cambridge
Title of Submission: Embedding Pointful Array Programming in Python
Second Place:
Bhakti Shah - University of Chicago
Title of Submission: A Lean Formalization of Cedar
Third Place:
Tyler Hou - University of California, Berkeley
Title of Submission: Efficient Incremental Computation for Halide
ESEC/FSE 2023 Winners
First Place:
Isam Sedki - Concordia University(Canada)
Title of Submission: Privacy-centric Log Parsing for Timely, Proactive Personal Data Protection
Second Place:
Niklas Risse - Ruhr-University Bochum
Title of Submission: Detecting Overfitting of Machine Learning Techniques for Automatic Vulnerability Detection
Third Place:
Mouna Dhaouadi Koh - Université de Montréal
Title of Submission: A Data set of Extracted Rationale from Linux Kernel Commit Messages
First Place:
Qiuhan Gu - Nanjing University
Title of Submission: LLM-Based Code Generation Method for Golang Compiler Testing
Second Place:
Yi Zhang - Nanjing University
Title of Submission: Detection of Optimizations Missed by the Compiler
SIGSPATIAL 2023 Winners
First Place:
Jina Kim - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Towards Learning of Spatial Triad from Online Text
Second Place:
Chen Chu - Chinese Academy of Sciences
Title of Submission: TrajGDM: A New Trajectory Foundation Model for Simulating Human Mobility
Third Place:
Chan Young Koh - University of Rhode Island
Title of Submission: Towards Disability-Aware Sidewalk Routing
First Place:
Rhett M Olson - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: An Automatic Approach to Finding Geographic Name Changes on Historical Maps
Second Place:
Mohammed Elkholy - The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Title of Submission: Virtual Graph Neural Networks: A Novel Approach for Building-Agnostic Indoor Positioning System
SC 2023 Winners
First Place:
Jiajun Huang - University of California, Riverside
Title of Submission: Accelerating Collective Communications with Lossy Compression on GPU
Second Place:
Mikaila J. Gossman - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Analyzing Write Patters within the context Asynchronous Multi-Level Checkpointing
Third Place:
Benjamin Valpey - University of Rochester
Title of Submission: A Formal Specification of Tensor Cores via Satisfiability Modulo Theories
First Place:
Ronak Monga - Indiana
Title of Submission: Comparative Study of the Cache Utilization Trends for Regional Scientific Data Caches
Second Place:
John Raicu - University of Chicago
Title of Submission: Navigating the Molecular Maze: A Python-Powered Approach to Virtual Drug Screening
Third Place:
Jamison Kerney(presenter) - Illinois Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Supercharging Scientific Serverless: Slashing Cold Starts with Python UniKernels
ICCAD 2023 Winners
First Place:
Haoran You - Georgia Insitute of Technology
Title of Submission: "Machine Learning Algorithm and Hardware Co-Design Towards Green and Ubiquitous AI"
Second Place:
Yingjie Li - University of Maryland,College Park
Title of Submission: "Bridging Light with Deep Learning – Compiler, Algorithms and Exploration"
Third Place:
Chaojian Li - Georgia Insitute of Technology
Title of Submission: "RT-NeRF+: FPGA-Based Real-Time On-Device Neural Radiance Fields Accelerator"
First Place:
JuYen-Hsuan Chu - National Central University
Title of Submission: A Detailed Macro Placer for Wirelength Minimization Algorithm and Implementation
SIGMICRO 2023 Winners
First Place:
Zhewen Pan - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title of Submission: The XOR Cache: A Catalyst for Compression
Second Place:
Sankeerth Durvasula - University of Toronto
Title of Submission: Efficient AutoDiff for differentiable physics simulators in GPUs
Third Place:
Konstantinos Kanellopoulos - ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: Virtuoso: An Open-Source, Comprehensive and Modular Simulationn Framework for Virtual Memory Research
First Place:
Yan Zhu - University of Toronto
Title of Submission: GENN: Enable Flexible and Efficient AI for Resource-Constrained Platforms
Second Place:
Qi Ling - University of Michigan
Title of Submission: Dike: Assessing the Practical Exploitability of Spectre Gadgets
Third Place:
Chengyi Lux Zhang - University of California, Berkeley
Title of Submission: CoSMo: A Realistic Configurable Sensor Channel Model for Pre-Silicon Full-Stack Robotics SoCs Evaluation
SOSP 2023 Winners
First Place:
Matheus Stolet - Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Title of Submission: Virtuoso TCP Stack: Squashing Isolation and Resource Effifiency Tradeoffs in Virtualized Environments
Second Place:
Hannah Gross - MIT
Title of Submission: Funhouse: A Hall of Mirrors Database
Third Place:
Jonas Kaufmann - Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Title of Submission: Full System Energy Estimation with Modular Simulation
First Place:
Artem Agvanian - Brown University
Title of Submission: Alohomora: Practical End-to-End Privacy Compliance with Policy Containers and Privacy-Critical Regions
Second Place:
Zhuofan Chen - Carnegie Mellon
Title of Submission: Methods for Lazy Promotion on FIFO and LRU-based Eviction Algorithms
SPLASH 2023 Winners
First Place:
Jesse Hoobergs - KU Leuven
Title of Submission: Modular educational languages
Second Place:
Marta Davila Mateu - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Synthesizing Recursive Programs Through Dataflow Constraints
Third Place:
Antonio Zegarelli - IMDEA Software Institute
Title of Submission: Design and implementation of facets of dynamic policies
First Place:
Austin Freeman - Francis Marion University
Title of Submission: Historiographer: Strongly-Consistent Distributed Reactive Programming with Minimal Locking
Second Place:
Haolin Ye - McGill Universityy
Title of Submission: An optimal structure-aware code difference framework with MaxSAT-Solver
Third Place:
Raven Rothkopf(presenter) - Barnard College
Title of Submission: Rose: Extensible Autodiff on the Web
ASSETS 2023 Winners
First Place:
Claire O’Connor - Monmouth University
Title of Submission: Designing Voice-Assisted Technology (VAT) Training for Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) for Adults with Cognitive-Communication Needs (CCNs) at Home
First Place:
Lukas Zink - ETH Zürich
Title of Submission: AudioQ: A Debugging Extension for Visually Impaired Developers
Second Place:
Jinyoung Shin - Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: Analyzing Walking with Ankle Foot Orthoses Using Shank-mounted Wearable Movement Sensors
PACT 2023 Winners
First Place:
Abdullah Giray Yağlıkçı - ETH Zürich
Title of Submission: Understanding and Leveraging the Spatial Variation in Read Disturbance Vulnerability of Real DRAM Chips
Second Place:
Geraldo F. Oliveira - ETH Zürich
Title of Submission: DaPPA: A Data-Parallel Framework for Processing-in-Memory Architectures
Third Place:
Xavier Servot - ETH Zürich
Title of Submission: Accelerating Weightless Neural Network Inference and Training on a Real Processing-in-Memory System
First Place:
Lukas Zink - ETH Zürich
Title of Submission: Towards Throughput-Oriented Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on a Processing-in-Memory System
Second Place:
Jinyoung Shin - Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: PIMCoSim: HW/SW Co-Simulator for Exploring Processing in Memory Architectures
SIGDOC 2023 Winners
First Place:
Caitlin Baulch - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Antirhetoric and Prenatal Testing: A Rhetorical Heuristic for Examining Implicit and Explicit Values in Expert Medical Documentation
Second Place:
Chloe Robertson - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: How Graduate Students Navigate Tech Comm Challenges related to their VISA
Third Place:
Anwesha Chattopadhyay - University of Florida
Title of Submission: Decolonial Subversion of Santali Tribal Language Learning Technologies
First Place:
Vignesh Mullaguru - Kennewsaw State University
Title of Submission: Designing a Virtual Reality Prototype for Designers: A Model for Accessibility Testing
MOBICOM 2023 Winners
First Place:
Jingyu Tong - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title of Submission: Radio Frequency Neural Networks for Wireless Sensing
Second Place:
Charles J. Carver - Columbia University
Title of Submission: Catch Me If You Can: Demonstrating Laser Tethering with Highly Mobile Targets
Third Place:
Kien Trung Ngo - University of Palermo
Title of Submission: A Novel Intelligent Management System Architecture for Hybrid VLC/RF Systems in Smart Retail Environment
First Place:
Moteen Shah - Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
Title of Submission: Going Beyond Backscatter: Rethinking Low-Power Wireless Transmitters using Tunnel Diodes
Second Place:
Zhe Ou - Peking University
Title of Submission: A Self-Adaptive Retro-FSO Design for Air-to-Ground Communication
Third Place:
Steven Waskito(presenter) - National University of Singapore
Co-authors: Kai Jie Leow, Pramuka Medaranga (National University of Singapore), Tejas Gupta (IIT Kanpur), Shantanu Chakrabarty (NCS group), Manoj Gulati, Ambuj Varshney (National University of Singapore)
Title of Submission: Otter: Simplifying Embedded Sensor Data Collection and Analysis using Large Language Models
ESWEEK 2023 Winners
First Place:
Artem Klashtorny - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: An Approach to GPU Wavefront Splitting for Safety-Critical Systems
Second Place:
Zain Ul Abideen - Tallinn University of Technology
Title of Submission: Leveraging FPGA Reconfigurability as an Obfuscation Asset
Third Place:
Dina Hussein - Washington State University
Title of Submission: An Innovative Approach for Energy-Efficient Data Imputation in Human Activity Recognition
First Place:
Valen Yamamoto - University of California at Irvine
Title of Submission: Neural Network Certification using Bernstein Polynomial Approximations
TAPIA 2023 Winners
First Place:
Ritika Dhiman - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: “Data-to-Text” Generation
Second Place:
Saika Zaman - Southern Illinois University
Title of Submission: Trustworthy Agent-Driven Particle Swarm Optimization for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
Third Place:
Iliana Castillon - Colorado State University
Title of Submission: predicting the Occurrence of Déjà Vu using Eye Features
First Place:
Angela Busheska - Lafayette College
Title of Submission: Ingesting and Analyzing Open Source Automatic Speech Data for African and Indian Languages
Second Place:
Hung Ngoh - Bucknell University
Title of Submission: A Touchless Typing Approach Using Apple Augmented Reality Kit and Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
Third Place:
Gabriel Serrano - Kean University
Title of Submission: Realtime ASL Recognition Using Computer Vision and AI
SIGCOMM 2023 Winners
First Place:
Alon S. Levin - Columbia University
Title of Submission: Experimentation with Wideband Real-Time Adaptive Full-Duplex Radios
Second Place:
Xin Zhe Khooi - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: Towards Accelerating the 5G Centralized Unit with Programmable Switches
Third Place:
Sushovan Das - Rice University
Title of Submission: Near Non-blocking Performance with All-optical Circuit-switched Core
First Place:
Eric Stuhr - Georgia Tech
Title of Submission: Understanding Interactions between Overload Control and Core Allocation in Low-Latency Network Stacks
ICFP 2023 Winners
First Place:
Andrew Cheung - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Surveying FPGA Technology Mapping Completeness
Second Place:
Ernest Ng - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: Mica: Automated Property-Based Testing for Ocaml Modules
Third Place:
Kai Pischke - University of Oxford
Title of Submission: Higher-Order Hardware Description
First Place:
Cynthia Richey - University of Washington
Title of Submission: What is a “Good” Ruleset? Comparing Rulesets Using Equality Saturation
Second Place:
Bhakti Shah - University of Chicago
Title of Submission: Visualizing Graphical Proofs in Coq
Third Place:
Vishal Caurmalla - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Application of Sketch Guided Synthesis to Runtime Reconfigurable FPGA Primitives
SIGGRAPH 2023 Winners
First Place:
Shaimaa Monem Abdelhafez - Max Planck Institute
Title of Submission: Improved Projective Dynamics Global Solves Using Snapshots-based Reduced Basis
Second Place:
Jessica Baron - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Toward Efficient Capture of Spatially Varying Material Properties
Third Place:
Timothy Chen - National Taiwan University
Title of Submission: sPellorama: An Immersive Prototyping Tool using Generative Panorama and Voice-to-Prompts
First Place:
Kensuke Katori - University of Tsukuba
Title of Submission: Crossed half-silvered Mirror Array: Fabrication and Evaluation of a See-Through Capable DIY Crossed Mirror Array
ISSTA 2023 Winners
First Place:
Thomas Schweizer - University of Washington
Title of Submission: An empirical evaluation of commit-untangling tools
Second Place:
Hannah Potter - University of Washington
Title of Submission: ExplainThis: Teaching a New Programming Language and Paradigm Using Contextualized Explanations
Third Place:
Tom Lauwaerts - Universiteit Gent
Title of Submission: Out-of-place Multiverse Debugging for Constraint Devices
SIGMOD 2023 Winners
First Place:
Stefan Klessinger - University of Passau
Title of Submission: Capturing Data-inherent Dependencies in JSON Schema Extraction
Second Place:
Xin Zhang - University of Califoria, Riverside
Title of Submission: SynopsisDB: Distributed Synopsis-based Data Processing System
Third Place:
Sergio Luiz Marques Filho - Federal University of Parana
Title of Submission: Discovering Denial Constraints Using Boolean Patterns
First Place:
Xiaochen Zhu - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: Link Local Differential Privacy in GNNs via Bayesian Estimation
SIGMETRICS 2023 Winners
First Place:
Isaac Grosof - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: The RESET Technique for Multiserver-Job Analysis
Second Place:
Yuanyuan Li - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Distributed Experimental Design Network
Third Place:
Zifeng Niu - Imperial College London
Title of Submission: Graph Learning based Performance Analysis for Queueing Networks
First Place:
Tianhao Huang - Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Title of Submission: An End-to-End Benchmarking Tool for Analyzing the Hardware-Software Implications of Multi-modal DNNs
Second Place:
Xiangan He - Boston College
Title of Submission: Zephyr: An Economically Feasible, Zero-Knowledge Light Client for Enhanced Blockchain
Third Place:
Nishat Ahmed - The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Title of Submission: Best Practices for Exoskeleton Evaluation Using DeepLabCut
PLDI 2023 Winners
First Place:
Minsung Cho - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Scaling Decision-Theoretic Probabilistic Programs Through Factorization
Second Place:
Jesse Michel - MIT
Title of Submission: Distributions for Compositionally Differentiating Parametric Discontinuities
Third Place:
Avaljot Singh - UIUC
Title of Submission: ConstraintFlow: A Declarative DSL for Certified Artificial Intelligence
First Place:
Amar Shah - University of California, Berkeley
Title of Submission: An Eager SMT Solver for Algebraic Data Type Queries
Second Place:
Caleb Kim - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Resource Sharing through Control-Flow Based Optimizations
Third Place:
Pai Li - Cornell University
Title of Submission: A Synchronization Mechanism for an Accelerator Design IR
ICSE 2023 Winners
First Place:
Chengjie Lu - Simula Research Laboratory
Title of Submission: Test Scenario Generation for Autonomous Driving Systems with Reinforcement Learning
Second Place:
Wenjing Deng - East China Normal University
Title of Submission: AIGROW: A Feedback-Driven Test Generation Framework for Hardware Model Checkers
First Place:
Zihe H Zhao - Rice University
Title of Submission: The Distribution and Disengagement of Women Contributors in Open-Source: 2008-2021
CHI 2023 Winners
First Place:
Matthew Zent - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Anonymous Online Support: Investigations of Identity and Heterogeneous Groups in Online Recovery Support
Second Place:
Nilavra Bhattacharya - University of Texas at Austin
Title of Submission: LongSAL: A Longitudinal Search as Learning Study with University Students
Third Place:
Robin Angelini - TU Wien
Title of Submission: Contrasting Technologists' and Activists' Positions on Signing Avatars
First Place:
Joshua Yang - University of Massachusetts Amnherst
Title of Submission: Animated Patterns: Applying Dynamic Patterns to Vector Illustration
Second Place:
Eason Chen - National Taiwan Normal University
Title of Submission: Which Factors Predict the Chat Experience of a Natural Language Generation Dialogue Service?
Third Place:
Haun Deborah Jung - Cornell University
Title of Submission: CoCo: Compost Companion
SAC 2023 Winners
First Place:
Emma L. McDaniel - Georgia State University
Title of Submission: Unsupervised Key Term Extraction of Tornado Narratives from NOAA Storm Events Database
Second Place:
Arthur Rauch - Université de Rennes
Title of Submission: SplitChain, Blockchain with fully decentralised dynamic sharding resilient to fast adaptive adversaries
Third Place:
Leon Bein - Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH
Title of Submission: Why and Where Software Developers are (not) using Project Data in Agile Retrospectives
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