Winners, SRC 2020 - 2021
SIGCSE 2021 Winners
First Place:
Jan Philip Bernius - TUM Informatik
Title of Submission: Toward Computer-Aided Assessment of Textual Exercises in Very Large Courses
First Place(TIE):
Philip C. Fox - SUNY Buffalo
Title of Submission: TrustedAP: Using the Ethereum Blockchain to Mitigate the Evil Twin Attack
Second Place:
Vishwanshi Joshi - Marshall University
Title of Submission: U-Net based Active Learning Framework for Enhancing Cancer Immunotherapy
First Place:
Tejal Reddy - MIT
Title of Submission: Text Classification for AI Education
Second Place:
Mei Chen - University of Illinois at Chicago
Title of Submission: A Quantitative Analysis of Student Solutions to Graph Database Queries
Third Place:
Myles Lewis - Morgan State University
Title of Submission: Exploring the Impact of Exposing Coding Interview Practices to Early CS majors
CGO 2021 Winners
First Place:
Malith Jayaweera - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Data vs. Instructions: Runtime Code Generation for Convolutions
Second Place:
Martin Luecke - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Fine Grained Control of Program Transformations via Strategic Rewriting in MLIR
Third Place:
Angelica Moreira - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Title of Submission: When Binary Optimization Meets Static Profiling
First Place:
William Zhang - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Fast Structural Register Allocation
POPL 2021 Winners
First Place:
Konstantinos Kallas - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: Data-Parallel Shell Scripting
Second Place:
Yuxiang Peng - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Algebraic Reasoning of Quantum Programs via Non-Idempotent Kleene Algebra
Third Place:
Paul Leitar - Imperial College London
Title of Submission: Topological Assertions for Flexible Isolation
First Place:
Darya Verzhbinsk - University of California San Diego
Title of Submission: Petsy: Polymorphic Enumerative Type-Guided Synthesis
Second Place:
David Cao - University of California San Diego
Title of Submission: Automated Dependent Resource Analysis
Third Place:
Cole Biafore - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Over-Approximating Reachability for Boolean Programs in Polynomial Time
SC 2020 Winners
First Place:
Mert Hidayetoglu - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Title of Submission: Memory-Centric 3D Image Reconstruction with Hierarchical Communications on Multi-GPU Node Architectures
Second Place:
Richard Barnes - University of California, Berkeley
Title of Submission: Communication-Avoiding Large Graph Algorithms for Flow Modeling
Third Place:
Nigel P. Tan - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Title of Submission: Optimizing Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC) for Memory Constrained Systems Using Half-Precision
First Place:
Ian D. Lumsen - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Title of Submission: Enabling Graph-Based Profiling Analysis Using Hatchet
Second Place:
Sarah A. Placke - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Recovering Silent Data Corruption through Spatial Prediction
Third Place:
Sebastian Mobo - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Title of Submission: A Framework for Linking Urban Traffic and Vehicle Emissions in Smart Cities
SPLASH 2020 Winners
First Place:
Raphael Mosaner - Johannes Kepler University, Linz
Title of Submission: Machine Learning to Ease Understanding of Data Driven Compiler Optimizations
Second Place:
Vitaly Romanov - Innopolis University
Title of Submission: Evaluating Importance of Edge Types when Using Graph Neural Network for Predicting Return Types of Python Functions
First Place:
Mona Zhang - Columbia University
Title of Submission: Design and Implementation of a Gradual Verifier
Second Place:
Aidan Z.H. Yang - Queen's University
Title of Submission: SOAR: Synthesis for Open-Source API Refactoring
Third Place:
Sophia Kolak - Columbia University
Title of Submission: Detecting Performance Patterns with Deep Learning
ESEC/FSE2020 Winners
First Place:
Zamira Kholmatova - Innopolis Univerisity
Title of Submission: Impact of Programming Languages on Energy Consumption for Mobile Devices
Second Place:
Yuchi Tian - Columbia University
Title of Submission: Repairing Confusion and Bias Errors for DNN based Image Classifiers
First Place:
Rozaliya Amirova - Innopolis University
Title of Submission: Attention Tracking for Developers - Research Abstract
Second Place:
Joshua Gisi - North Dakota State University
Title of Submission: DSynthesizing Correct Code for Machine Learning Programs
Third Place:
Dragos Strugar - Innopolis University
Title of Submission: Recommender systems: metric suggestion mechanisms applied to adaptable software dashboards
SIGSPATIAL 2020 Winners
First Place:
Nikita Saxena - Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Title of Submission: Efficient Downscaling of Satellite Oceanographic Data With Convolutional Neural Networks
Second Place:
Jiawei Jiang - National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Title of Submission: Detecting Vehicle Illegal-Parking Events Using Spatial-Temporal Features
Third Place:
Aya Othman - Alexandria University
Title of Submission: Deep Learning-based Floor Prediction Using Cell Network Information
ICCAD 2020 Winners
First Place:
Jiaqi Gu - University of Texas at Austin
Title of Submission: Light in Artificial Intelligence: Efficient Neuromorphic Computing with Optical Neural Networks
Second Place:
Mahabubul Alam - Pennsylvania State University
Title of Submission: Analysis and Optimization Methodologies for Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
Third Place:
Debayan Das - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Generic Low-overhead Electromagnetic and Power Side-Channel Attack Protection through Ground-Up Root-cause Analysis
First Place:
Chuangtao Chen - Zhejiang University
Title of Submission: Optimally Approximated Floating-Point Multiplier
Second Place:
Namiko Matsumoto - University of California, San Diego
Title of Submission: Hyperdimensional Computing and Spectral Learning
Third Place:
Marc Benito - Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Title of Submission: Evaluation of Graphics-based General Purpose Computation Solutions for Safety Critical Systems: An Avionics Case Study
ASSETS 2020 Winners
First Place:
Grazia Ragone - University of Sussex
Title of Submission: Designing Embodied Musical Interaction for Children with Autism
Second Place:
Avyay Ravi Kashyap, - IIT Bombay
Title of Submission: Behaviors, Problems and Strategies of Visually Impaired Persons During Meal Preparation in the Indian Context : Challenges and Opportunities for Design
Third Place:
Yulia Zhiglova - Tallinn University
Title of Submission: Deconstructing a “puzzle” of visual experiences of blind and low-vision visual artists
First Place:
Thomas B. McHugh - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Assistive Technology Design as a Computer Science Learning Experience
Second Place:
Samantha Conde - University of California
Title of Submission: Establishing a Serious Game on Relationship Boundaries for People with Developmental Disabilities
Third Place:
Soobin Park - Ewha Womans University Title of Submission: Supporting Selfie Editing Experiences for People with Visual Impairments
SIGMICRO 2020 Winners
First Place:
Peng Gu - University of California, Santa Barbara
Title of Submission: DLUX: a LUT-based Near-Bank Accelerator for Data Center Deep Learning Training Workloads
Second Place:
Xinfeng Xie - University of California, Santa Barbara
Title of Submission: SpaceA: Accelerating Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication with Processing-in-Memory Architecture
Third Place:
Abhijith Somashekhar - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: NvMR: Non-Volatile Memory Renaming for Intermittent Computing
First Place:
Guyue Huang - Tsinghua University
Title of Submission: Towards Fast Graph Neural Network Training with Efficient and Framework-Compatible Sparse-Dense Matrix Multiplication
Second Place:
Alexander Shearer - Arizona State University
Title of Submission: Reconfigurable Spatiotemporal Resolution for Computer Vision at Low Power
Third Place:
Samantha Koretsky - University of Chicago
Title of Submission: A Hybrid Classical and Quantum Approach to Solving the Unit Commitment Problem
PACT 2020 Winners
First Place:
Ari Rasch - University of Muenster
Title of Submission: md_stencil: High-Performance Stencil Computations on CPU and GPU via Multi-Dimensional Homomorphismsm
First Place:
Patrick Wang - UC Berkeley
Title of Submission: Energy-Aware Differential Neural Architecture Search for Edge Devices
SIGDOC 2020 Winners
First Place:
Danielle Stambler - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: “Eating Right” and User Experience with an Employee Wellness Program
Second Place:
Sarah Fadem - Rutgers University
Title of Submission: Designing a Decision Aid for Patients Considering Bone Marrow Transplant
Third Place:
Nicole Lowman - University at Buffalo
Title of Submission: Advising the Buffalo Police Advisory Board: Toward a More Usable Technology
First Place:
Sanjana Ponnada - Arizona State University
Title of Submission: Improving user experience and accessibility of CDC’s COVID-19 symptoms self-checker with better design practices
Second Place:
Rita Flanagan - University of Pittsburgh
Title of Submission: Principles of Technical and Public Communication as a Provisional Framework for Undergraduate Researchers Writing with and About Indigenous Peoples
Third Place:
Kenyan Burnham - Texas Tech
Title of Submission: Instructor Roles in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic
GRACE HOPPER 2020 Winners
First Place:
Mandana Saebi - University of Notre Dame
Title of Submission: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Heterogeneous Relational Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs
Second Place:
Niveditha Kalavakonda - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Concurrent segmentation and tracking of surgical instruments
Third Place:
Farzaneh Khoshnevisan - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Variational Recurrent Neural Network for Septic Shock Early Prediction
First Place:
Madeline Burbage - Williams College
Title of Submission: A Hardware Engine for Generating Number-Theoretic Sequences
Second Place:
Marina Shehzad - Habib University
Title of Submission: Neural Style Transfer for Personalized Audio Stories
Third Place:
Serena Xiong - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Title of Submission: Optimizing for Fairness in Recidivism Prediction Instruments
ASE 2020 Winners
First Place:
Zhe Liu - Chinese Academy of Sciences
Title of Submission: Discovering UI Display Issues with Visual Understanding
Second Place:
Kamil Masalimov - UFA State Aviation Technical University
Title of Submission: A Machine Learning based Approach to Autogenerate Diagnostic Models for CNC machines
Third Place:
Zhengzi Xu - Nanyang Technological University
Title of Submission: Source Code and Binary Level Vulnerability Detection and Hot Patching
First Place:
Yi Wu - Southern University of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: Anti-patterns for Java Automated Program Repair Tools
Second Place:
Xiangzhe Xu - Nanjing University
Title of Submission: The Classification and Propagation of Program Comments
Third Place:
Beatriz Souza - Federal University of Campina Grande
Title of Submission: Identifying Mutation Subsumption Relations
MOBICOM 2020 Winners
First Place:
Chia-Cheng Wang - National Chiao Tung University
Title of Submission: Using Magnetic Fingerprints to Position Cars on Multi-layer Roads
Second Place:
Yaman Singh Sangar - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title of Submission: WiChronos: Energy-Efficient Modulation for Long-Range,Large-Scale Wireless Networks
Third Place:
Ali J. Ben Ali - University at Buffalo
Title of Submission: Edge-SLAM: Edge-Assisted Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping g
First Place:
Anran Du - Boston College
Title of Submission: sCarML: Distributed Machine Learning in Vehicular Clouds
Second Place:
Asaad AlGhamdi - King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Title of Submission: BeeCast: A Collaborative Video Streaming System
TAPIA 2020 Winners
First Place:
Deeksha Dixit - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Evaluation of Cross-View Matching to Improve Ground Vehicle Localization with Aerial Perception
Second Place:
Yaxuan Wang - Rice University
Title of Submission: Speedup of Bayesian Inference of Species Phylogenies
Third Place:
Saba Dadsetan - University of Pittsburgh
Title of Submission: Breast Cancer Risk Assessment via Temporal Changes in Longitudinal Screening Mammograms
First Place:
Allison N. Turner - Wellesley College
Title of Submission: Crowdsourced Measurements of Internet Traffic Manipulation
Second Place:
Marina Zafiris - University of Houston-Downtown
Title of Submission: Employing Machine Learning in the Study of Differential Equations Related to Nuclear Engineering
Third Place:
Vianca Hurtado - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Changing How We Perceive Local Music
ICFP 2020 Winners
First Place:
Cezar-Constantin Andrici - Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași
Title of Submission: Gradual Enforcement of IO Trace Properties
Second Place:
Suneel Sarswat - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Title of Submission: Certified double sided auction mechanisms
Third Place:
Kai-Oliver Prott - CAU Kiel
Title of Submission: A GHC-Plugin to Compile Effectful Languages
First Place:
James Lowenthal - University of Cambridge
Title of Submission: Certified Optimisation of Stream Operations Using Heterogeneous Staging
Second Place:
Christopher Lam - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Semantics for a Simple Differentiable Language Using Distribution Theory
Third Place:
Zhiyi Pan - University of Michigan
Title of Submission: Type Hole Inference
SIGGRAPH 2020 Winners
First Place:
Dorian Chan - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Bound-Constrained Optimized Dynamic Range Compression
Second Place:
Meena Subramanian - Texas A&M Universityi
Title of Submission: A Painterly Rendering Approach to Create Still-Life Paintings with Dynamic Lighting
Third Place:
Vincent WeiSen Loi - University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: Visualization of angle-dependent plasmonic structural coloration by FDTD-simulated BSDF and ray-tracing rendering
First Place:
Kohei Doi - Kyushu University
Title of Submission: Non-photorealistic Path Tracing
SIGCOMM 2020 Winners
First Place:
Sebastiano Miano - Polictecnico di Torino
Title of Submission: Automatic Optimization of Software Data Planes
Second Place:
Robin Marx - Hasselt Universityi
Title of Submission: Visualizing QUIC and HTTP/3 with qlog and qvis
Third Place:
Suraj Jog - UIUC
Title of Submission: Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network on Chip Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
First Place:
Nishant Somy - IIT KGP
Title of Submission: System Call Interception for Serverless Isolation
Second Place:
Federico Parola - Politecnico di Torino
Title of Submission: A Proof-of-Concept 5G Mobile Gateway with eBPF
Third Place:
Lucas Castanheira - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Title of Submission: Optimized Tracing of iCF-enabled Programmable Data Planes
MobileSoft 2020 Winners
First Place:
Irshad Khan - Kyungpook National University
Title of Submission: Collaborative Earthquake Detection and Response using Smart Devices
Second Place:
Julian Harty - Open University
Title of Submission: Improving App Quality Despite Flawed Mobile Analytics
ICSE 2020 Winners
First Place:
Alberto Martin- Lopez - Universidad de Sevilla
Title of Submission: Automated Analysis of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in Web APIs
Second Place:
Rangeet Pan - Iowa State University
Title of Submission: Does Fixing Bug Increase Robustness in Deep Learning?
Third Place:
Tegan Brennan - University of Calfornia, Irvine
Title of Submission: Detection and Mitigation of JIT-Induced Side Channels
First Place:
Vikram Subramanian - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: An empirical study of first time open source contributors on GitHub
Second Place:
Shashij Gupta - IIT Bombay
Title of Submission: Machine Translation Testing via Pathological Invariance
Third Place:
Ananga Thapaliya - Innopolis University
Title of Submission: Evaluation of brain activity while Pair Programming
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Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.