Winners, SRC 2017 - 2018
PLDI 2018 Winners
First Place:
Jay Lim - Rutgers University
Title of Submission: Automatic Verification of Assembly Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms
Second Place:
Alexander Asp Bock - IT University of Copenhagen
Title of Submission: Parallel Spreadsheet Programming for the Masses
Third Place:
Abhinav Verma - Rice University
Title of Submission: Identifying Code Regions that Matter for Parallelism in OpenMP Programs
First Place:
Rong Pan - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: Astolat: Simulating Application Fault Tolerance Under First Class Execution Models
SIGMOD 2018 Winners
First Place:
Mark Raasveldt - CWI
Title of Submission: MonetDBLite: An Embedded Analytical Database
Second Place:
Gabor Szarnyas - Budapest University
Title of Submission: Incremental View Maintenance for Property Graph Queries
Third Place:
Walter Cai - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Tighter Upper Bounds for Join Cardinality Estimates
First Place:
Thomas Lively Shi - Harvard University
Title of Submission: Splaying Log-Structured Merge-Trees
Second Place:
Michael Günther - Technische Universität Dresden
Title of Submission: FREDDY: Fast Word Embeddings in Database Systems
Third Place:
Haolin Yu - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: RDSQ: Reliable Queue Protocol Over Shared Logs
MobileSoft 2018 Winners
First Place:
Gemma Catolino - University of Salerno
Title of Submission: Does Source Code Quality Reflect the Ratings of Apps?
Second Place:
Breno Dantas Cruz - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Programming Support for Data Intensive Distributed Mobile Applications at the Edge
Third Place:
Roberto Verdecchia - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Title of Submission: Identifying Architectural Technical Debt in Android Applications through Compliance Checking
ICSE 2018 Winners
First Place:
Muhammad Ali Gulzar - University of California, Los Angeles
Title of Submission: Interactive and Automated Debugging for Big Data Analytics
Second Place:
Hengbiao Yu - College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology
Title of Submission: Combining Symbolic Execution and Model Checking to Verify MPI Programs
Third Place:
Shafiul Azam Chowdhury - The University of Texas at Arlington
Title of Submission: Automatically Finding Bugs in Commercial Cyber-Physical System Development Tool Chains
First Place:
Asher Trockman - University of Evansville
Title of Submission: Adding Sparkle to Social Coding: An Empirical Study of Repository Badges in the npm Ecosystem
CHI 2018 Winners
First Place:
Roxanne Leitao - University of Art London
Title of Submission: Digital Technologies and their Role in Intimate Partner Violence
Second Place:
Jennifer Pierre - UCLA
Title of Submission: One Big Digital Family: Examining Social Media and Social Support in the Development of Youth ‚”At-Risk”
Third Place:
Mirko Gelsomini - Politecnico di Milano
Title of Submission: Reflex: Learning beyond the Screen in a Simple, Fun, and Affordable
First Place:
Joshua Shi - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Pyrus: A Collaborative Programming Game to Support Problem-Solving
Second Place:
Jennie Werner - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Cerebro: A Platform for Opportunistic Collective Experiences
Third Place:
Sriraj Aiyer - University College London
Title of Submission: Identifying Historical Primary Sources in Social Media for Reliable Historical Reconstruction
SAC 2018 Winners
First Place:
Parikshit Maini - IIIT Delhi
Title of Submission: Route Planning for Aerial and Ground Vehicles with Fuel Constraints for Mapping Applications
Second Place:
Ashalatha Kunnappilly - Mälardalens högskola
Title of Submission: A Formally Assured Intelligent Ecosystem for Enhanced Ambient Assisted Living Support
Third Place:
Alexandre Tessier - Miami University
Title of Submission: A Novel Low Power Brain Electrical Activity Monitor Using IoT
Programming 2018 Winners
First Place:
Manuel Rigger - Johannes Kepler University
Title of Submission: Safe Execution of LLVM-based Languages on the Java Virtual Machine
Second Place:
Adilla Susungi - Mines Paris Tech
Title of Submission: On the Semantics of Loop Transformation Languages
Third Place:
Toni Mattis - University of Potsdam
Title of Submission: Mining Concepts from Code using Community Detection in Co-occurrence Graphs
First Place:
Franklin Schrans - Imperial College
Title of Submission: Writing Safe Smart Contracts in Flint
Second Place:
Ezra Zigmond - Harvard University
Title of Submission: Fine-grained, Dynamic Access Control for Database-backed Applications
Third Place:
Daniel Slocombe - Imperial College
Title of Submission: Modelling Optimised ORCA: an Actor Garbage Collection System
ASPLOS 2018 Winners
First Place:
Amir Yazdanbakhsh - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: GANAX: A Unified SIMD-MIMD Acceleration for Unsupervised Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks
Second Place:
Jiawen Sun - Queen's Universifty Belfast
Title of Submission: The GraphGrind Framework: Fast Graph Analytics for Large Shared-Memory Systems
Third Place:
Yue Zha - University of Wisconsin
Title of Submission: RMA: A Reconfigurable Range Matching Accelerator for Wire-Speed Cyber-Attack Detection
CGO 2018 Winners
First Place:
Josef Eisl - Johannes Kepler University
Title of Submission: Divide and Allocate: The Trace Register Allocation Framework
Second Place:
Alexander Matz - Heidelberg University
Title of Submission: Automated Partitioning of Data-Parallel Kernels using Polyhedral Compilation
Third Place:
Matthias Springer - Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: A C++/CUDA DSL for Object-oriented Programming with Structure-of-Arrays Data Layout
First Place:
Patrick Thier - Universitat Wien
Title of Submission: Fast and Flexible Instruction Selection with Constraints
Second Place:
Yash Sinha - BITS Pilani
Title of Submission: LLVM Superoptimizer
SIGCSE 2018 Winners
First Place:
Ayaan M. Kazerouni - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Toward Continuous Assessment of the Programming Process
Second Place:
Rick Parker - University of Colorado
Title of Submission: Developing Software Engineers: A Study of the CS Senior Capstone and Its Influence on Student Professionalization
Third Place:
Adam Koehler - University of California, Riverside
Title of Submission: Teaching Programming Style in CS 1 with Erroneous Examples
First Place:
Blaine Billings - College of Charleston
Title of Submission: Modelling Correct Operation of Webcams for Security Purposes
Second Place:
Aryanna Holder - SUNY, Old Westbury
Title of Submission: A Four Point Student-led Strategy for Attracting Diverse Small College Commuter Campus Students to Computer Science
Third Place:
Blayde Dill - University of Alabama
Title of Submission: Developing a Blocked Based Language for the Adafruit Circuit Playground
POPL 2018 Winners
First Place:
Youyou Cong Li - Ochanomizu University
Title of Submission: Combining Control Operators and Dependent Types
Second Place:
Yanjun Wang - Purdue University
Title of Submission: A Decidable Logic for Tree Data-Structures with Measurements
Third Place:
Abhinav Verma - Rice University
Title of Submission: Program Synthesis with Neural Oracless
First Place:
Divesh Otwani - Haverford College
Title of Submission: Finite Maps At The Type Level
Second Place:
Xinyue Zhang - Bryn Mawr College
Title of Submission: Comparison among three program verification techniques in Dependent Haskell, Liquid Haskell and F*
Third Place:
William Kunkel - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Comparing Liquid Haskell and Coq: Evaluating the Great Expectations of “A Tale of Two Provers"
ICCAD 2017 Winners
First Place:
Meng Li - University of Texas, Austin
Title of Submission: Design-for-Security Techniques for Hardware IP and Supply Chain Protection
Second Place:
Shuangchen Li - University of California, Santa Barbara
Title of Submission: Memory-Centric Architectures to Bridge the Gap Between Computing and Memory
Third Place:
Ghada Dessouky - Technical University of Darmstadt
Title of Submission: Hardware-Assisted Runtime and Resilient Attestation for Collaborative Embedded Systems
First Place:
Xinfeng Xie - Peking University
Title of Submission: Optimizing GPU Shared Memory Allocation in Automated C-to-CUDA Compilation
SC 2017 Winners
First Place:
Daniel George - University of Illinois
Title of Submission: Deep Learning for Extracting Hidden Signals: Detecting Gravitational Waves
Second Place:
Paul Springer - RWTH Aachen University
Title of Submission: GEMM-like Tensor-Tensor Contraction (GETT)
Third Place:
Markus Höhnerbach - RWTH Aachen University
Title of Submission: Optimization of the AIREBO Many-Body Potential for KNL
First Place:
Peter Z. Harrington - University of California, Santa Cruz
Title of Submission: Diagnosing Parallel I/O Bottlenecks in HPC Applications
Second Place:
Anna Blue Keleher - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Finding a Needle in a Field of Haystacks: Lightweight Metadata Search for Large-Scale Distributed Research Repositories
SIGSPATIAL 2017 Winners
First Place:
Ahmed Mahmood - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Tornado: A Distributed Spatio-Textual Stream Processing System
Second Place:
Jing Lian - Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute
Title of Submission: Extracting Commute Patterns for Customized Bus Service Area Design
Third Place:
Jia Yu - Arizona State University
Title of Submission: Geospatial Visual Analytics and Query Processing Belong Together: The BABYLON Approach
First Place:
Haowen Lin - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Automatic Extraction of Phrase-Level Map Labels from Historical Maps
ASSETS 2017 Winners
First Place:
Cole Gleason - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Crowdsourcing the Installation and Maintenance of Indoor Navigation Infrastructure
First Place:
Sung-In Kim - Seoul National University
Title of Submission: COSMA: Cooperative Self-Management Tool for Adolescents with Autism
Second Place:
Lucas Rosenblatt - Brown University
Title of Submission: VocalIDE: An IDE for Programming via Speech Recognition
Third Place:
Cameron Cassidy - Texas A&M University
Title of Submission: Identifying Visual Cues to Improve Independent Indoor Navigation for Blind Individuals
SOSP 2017 Winners
First Place:
Jon Gjengset - MIT
Title of Submission: Xylem: flexible and high-performance structured storage via dynamic data-flow
Second Place:
Tej Chajed - MIT
Title of Submission: Extending a verified file system with concurrency
Third Place:
Anish Athalye - MIT
Title of Submission: CoqIOA: A Formalization of IO Automata in the Coq Proof Assistant
First Place:
Brandon Zhang - University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: PGo: Corresponding a high-level formal specification with its implementation
Second Place:
Gefei Zuo - University of Science and Technology of China
Title of Submission: Near-Optimal Total Order Message Scattering in Data Center Networks
Third Place:
Levente Kurusa - Imperial College London
Title of Submission: Re-Pintos: Revitalizing an instructional operating system
SPLASH 2017 Winners
First Place:
David Leopoldseder - Johannes Kepler University
Title of Submission: Simulation-based Code Duplication for Enhancing Compiler Optimizations
Second Place:
Daniel Lehmann - TU Darmstadt
Title of Submission: Automatic Testing of Interactive JavaScript Debuggers
Third Place:
Germán Ceballos - Uppsala University
Title of Submission: How To Make Tasks Faster: Revealing The Complex Interactions Of Tasks In The Memory System
First Place:
Lukas Lazarek - University of Massachusetts Lowell
Title of Submission: How to Efficiently Process 2^100 Different Lists
Second Place:
Piotr Padlewski - University of Warsaw
Title of Submission: Devirtualization in LLVM
Third Place:
Valerie Zhao - Wellesley College
Title of Submission: Abstracting Resource Effects
MobiCom 2017 Winners
First Place:
Andreas Soleiman - Uppsala University, Sweden
Title of Submission: Battery-free Visible Light Sensing
Second Place:
Elahe Soltanaghaei - University of Virginia
Title of Submission: MIMO Smoothing: Improving Multipath Resolution Using Joint Spatial and Frequential Diversity
Third Place:
Swetank Kumar Saha - University of Buffalo
Title of Submission: Can MPTCP improve Performance for Dual-Band 60 GHz/5 GHz Clients?
First Place:
Arjun Balasingam - Western Washington University
Title of Submission: Broadcast LTE Data Reveals Application Type
Second Place:
Yu Wu - Peking University
Title of Submission: Smart RF Table enables IoT on a Desk
Third Place:
Yang Shen - Peking University
Title of Submission: LightPark: A VLC Solution for Smart Parking
Grace Hopper 2017 Winners
First Place:
Parishad Karimi - Rutgers University
Title of Submission: SMART: A Distributed Architecture for Dynamic Spectrum Management
Second Place:
Aastha Nigam - University of Notre Dame
Title of Submission: Harvesting Social Signals to Inform Peace Processes Implementation and Monitoring
Third Place:
Mariam Nouh - University of Oxford
Title of Submission: CCINT: Cyber-Crime INTelligence Framework for Detecting Online Radical Content
First Place:
Stephanie Mason - Western Washington University
Title of Submission: Characterizing Rigidity Properties of Protein Cavities through Data Visualization
Second Place:
Theodore Weber - Western Washington University
Title of Submission: MyQuitPal – A Participant-Centric Smoking Cessation System
Third Place:
Zalika Dixon - Capitol Technology University
Title of Submission: Climate Control: Measurement of Ultraviolet Radiation
TAPIA 2017 Winners
First Place:
Laleh Ghalami - Wayne State University
Title of Submission: A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Identical Machines
Second Place:
Blake Williford - Texas A & M University
Title of Submission: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Sketching Fundamentals
Third Place:
Jasmine Jones - University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
Title of Submission: Myth, Mystery, and Patchwork: Designing for a Family Collective Memory Keeping
MODELS 2017 Winners
First Place:
Csaba Debreceni - Budapest University
Title of Submission: Advanced Techniques and Tools for Secure Collaborative Modeling
Second Place:
Mohammed Al-Refai - Colorado State
Title of Submission: MaRTS: A Model-Based Regression Test Selection Approach
PACT 2017 Winners
First Place:
Raghavendra Pradyumna Pothukuchi - UIUC
Title of Submission: Multilayer Computer Resource Management with Robust Control Theory
Second Place:
Karl Taht - University of Utah
Title of Submission: Introspective Computing
Third Place:
Thiago S. F. X. Teixeira - UIUC
Title of Submission: A DSL for performance orchestration
ESEC/FSE 2017 Winners
First Place:
Chris Mills - Florida State University
Title of Submission: Automating Traceability Link Recovery through Classification
Second Place:
Ivan Pashchenko - University of Trento
Title of Submission: FOSS Version Differentiation as a Benchmark for Static Analysis Security Testing Tools
Third Place:
Suhaib Mujahid - Concordia University
Title of Submission: Detecting Wearable App Permission Mismatches: A Case Study on Android Wear
First Place:
Ayush Kohli - South Illinois University
Title of Submission: DecisionDroid: A Supervised Learning-Based System to Identify Cloned Android Applications
Second Place:
Liam Schramm - Bard College
Title of Submission: Improving Performance of Automatic Program Repair using Learned Heuristics
Third Place:
Alan Jaffe - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Suggesting Meaningful Variable Names for Decompiled Code: A Machine Translation Approach
ICFP 2017 Winners
First Place:
Anders Miltner - Princeton University
Title of Submission: Synthesizing Bijective Lenses
Second Place:
Simon Fowler - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: First-class Distributed Session Types
Third Place:
Wen Kokke - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Races in Classical Linear Logic
First Place:
Cristina Matache - University of Cambridge
Title of Submission: Formalisation of the lambda-mu-T calculus in Isabelle/HOL
Second Place:
Joanna Sharrad - University of Kent
Title of Submission: Type Errors: Delta Debugging with a Blackbox Compiler
Third Place:
Axel Faes - KU Leuven
Title of Submission: Towards a core language with row-based effects for optimised compilation
SIGCOMM 2017 Winners
First Place:
Henri Maxime Demoulin - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: A Demonstration of the DeDoS Platform for Defusing Asymmetric DDoS Attacks in Data Centers
Second Place:
Richard Cziva - University of Glasgow
Title of Submission: Ruru: High-speed, Flow-level Latency Measurement and Visualization of Live Internet Traffic
Third Place:
John Fallon - University of Massachusets,Amherst
Title of Submission: Sandboxing Data Plane Programs for Fun and Profit
First Place:
Márk Szalay - Budapest University
Title of Submission: HARMLESS: Cost-Effective Transitioning to SDN
SIGDOC 2017 Winners
First Place:
Allegra Smith - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Can you Hear Me Now? Revaluing Listening's Role in User Research Practice
Second Place:
Jennifer Pierre - UCLA
Title of Submission: Examining Wrong Planet: An analysis of design characteristics for computer-mediated-communication among individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Third Place:
John Fallon - University of Massachusets,Amherst
Title of Submission: Linking Heterogeneous Datasets for Visualization and Situational Awareness
First Place:
Jenny Yao - MIT
Title of Submission: Creating Better-Informed Consumers and Reducing Dark Pattern Tendencies Through Improved Terms of Service Solutions
Second Place:
Megan Smith - Purdue University
Title of Submission: A Pinch of Salt. A Hint of Disaster
Third Place:
Alexis Scottt - Georgia Tech University
Title of Submission: The "Continuous Course Lab" in the Tech Comm Classroom
SIGGRAPH 2017 Winners
First Place:
Chloe LeGendre - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Improved Chromakey of Hair Strands via Orientation Filter Convolution
Second Place:
Clemens Birklbauer - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Title of Submission: Optimized Sampling for View Interpolation in Light Fields Using Local Dictionaries
Third Place:
Akira Ishii - University of Tsukuba
Title of Submission: ReverseCAVE: Providing Reverse Perspectives for Sharing VR Experience
First Place:
Anna Serrano - Universidad de Zaragoza
Title of Submission: Attribute-preserving gamut mapping of measured BRDFs
Second Place:
Quentin Corker-Marin - Bournemouth University
Title of Submission: Cubification and Animation of Artistic Shapes
Third Place:
Xuan Huang - Bryn Mawr College
Title of Submission: Aspect-Ratio Based Triangular Mesh Smoothing
PLDI 2017 Winners
First Place:
Robert Lyerly - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Seamless POSIX/OpenMP Thread Migration Across ISA Boundaries
Second Place:
Kyle Headley - University of Colorado, Boulder
Title of Submission: Tuning Data and Control Structures for Incremental Computation
Third Place:
Xiao Liu - The Pennsylvania State University
Title of Submission: A Lightweight Framework for Regex Verification
First Place:
Peilun Zhang - University of Colorado, Boulder
Title of Submission: Property-based Randomized Test Generation for Android Applications
ICSE 2017 Winners
First Place:
Michael Coblenz - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Obsidian: A Safer Blockchain Programming Language"
Second Place:
Rui Pereira - Universidade do Minho
Title of Submission: Locating Energy Hotspots in Source Code
Third Place:
Panagiotis Stratis - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Improving Test Execution Time with Improved Cache Locality
SIGMOD 2017 Winners
First Place:
Utku Sirin - EPFL
Title of Submission: Energy-efficient Database Machines
Second Place:
Jennifer Ortiz - University of Washington
Title of Submission: PerfEnforce Overview: A Dynamic Scaling Engine for Analytics with Performance Guarantees
Third Place:
Lingjiao Chen - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: Accelerating Linear Algebra over Normalized Data
First Place:
Graham Lustiber - Harvard University
Title of Submission: E-Tree: An Ever Evolving Tree for Evolving Workloads
Second Place:
Damian Jimenez - University of Texas at Arlington
Title of Submission: Towards Building an Automated Fact-Checking System
Third Place:
Aidan Shea - Temple University
Title of Submission: A Visual System for Mining Crime Mining across CollegeCampuses
MobileSoft 2017 Winners
First Place:
Yixue Zhao - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Toward Client-Centric Approaches for Latency Minimization in Mobile Applications
Second Place:
Gemma Catolino - University of Salerno
Title of Submission: Just-In-Time Bug Prediction in Mobile Applications: The Domain Matters!
Third Place:
Stephen Rodriguez - Iona College
Title of Submission: Using Parsing Agents as a Service for Data Privacy
CHI 2017 Winners
First Place:
Sabirat Rubya - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Facilitating Peer Support for Recovery from Substance Use Disorders
Second Place:
Courtney Gallagher - University of London
Title of Submission: Sketching for Ideation: A Structured Approach for Increasing Divergent Thinking
Third Place:
Ben Shapiro - Vanderbilt University
Title of Submission: Using Space Time Visualization in Learning Environment Design
First Place:
Sarah Lim - Norhtwestern University
Title of Submission: Ply: Visual Regression Pruning for Web Design Source Inspection
Second Place:
Olivia Richards - Penn State University
Title of Submission: Exploring the Empowerment of Older Adult Creative Groups Using Maker Technology
Third Place:
Brian Hall - University of Wisconsin
Title of Submission: Improving Human Interfaces for Commercial Camera Drone Systems
SAC 2017 Winners
First Place:
Ladislav Marsik - Charles University, Czech Republic
Title of Submission: Using Chord Distance Descriptors to Enhance Music Information Retrieval
Second Place:
Vasu Jindal - University of Texas at Dallas
Title of Submission: A Deep Learning Framework for Identification of microRNA Regulatory Modules
Third Place:
Muntazir Mehdi - National University of Ireland
Title of Submission: Discovering and Linking with Life Sciences Linked Open Data Cloud
Programming 2017 Winners
First Place:
Fabio Neiphaus - Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Title of Submission: Towards A Squeak/Smalltalk-based Python IDE
Second Place:
Toni Mattis - University of Potsdam, Germany
Title of Submission: Concept-aware Live Programming
Third Place:
Patrick Rein - Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Title of Submission: Automatic Reuse through Implied Methods
First Place:
Tobias Dürschmid - University of Potsdam, Germany
Title of Submission: Continuous Code Reviews
Second Place:
Kuzma Leshakov - Innopolis University, Russia
Title of Submission: F3: Fast Forest Fire graph generation
Third Place:
Aliaksei Syrel - University of Bern, Switzerland
Title of Submission: Towards a live, moldable code editor
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