Winners, SRC 2010 - 2011
First Place:
Swapnil Patil - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Scale and Concurrency of GIGA+: File System Directories with Millions of Files
Second Place:
Yi Gu - University of Memphis
Title of Submission: Optimizing End-to-End Performance of Scientific Workflows in Distributed Environments
Third Place:
Kanimathai Duraisamy - University of Nebraska ? Omaha
Title of Submission: An Efficient Algorithm for Obtaining Low Memory Approximation Models of Large-Scale Networks
First Place:
David C. Goode - Harvard University
Title of Submission: Parallelized Hartree-Fock Code for Scalable Structural and Electronic Simulation of Large Nanoscale Molecules
Second Place:
Alan P.Humphrey - University of Utah
Title of Submission: An Integration of Dynamic MPI Formal Verification within Eclipse PTP
Third Place:
Daren J. Hasenkamp - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Title of Submission: Finding Tropical Cyclones on Clouds
First Place:
Shiri Azenkot - University of Washington
Title of Submission: GoBraille: Enhancing Independence and Safety for Blind and Deaf-Blind Public Transit Riders
Second Place:
Kristen Shinohara - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Investigating Meaning in Uses of Assistive Devices: Implications of Social and Professional Contexts
Third Place:
Kyle Montague - University of Dundee
Title of Submission: Accessible Indoor Navigation
First Place:
Samuel White - University of Rochester
Title of Submission: AudioWiz: Nearly Real-time Audio Transcriptions
Second Place:
Timothy Walsh - University of Delaware
Title of Submission: Utterance-Based Systems: Organization and Design of AAC Interfaces
Third Place:
Jason Behmer - University of Washington
Title of Submission: LocalEyes: Accessible GPS and Points of Interest
First Place:
Ciera Jaspan - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Verifying Configuration Files
Second Place:
Boaz Rosenan - Open University of Israel
Title of Submission: Designing Language-Oriented Programming Languages
Third Place:
Ferosh Jacob - University of Alabama
Title of Submission: Extending Abstract APIs to Shared Memory
First Place:
Abrita Chakravarty - Duke University
Title of Submission: A Modular Pipeline for Computational Prediction of Imprinted Human Genes
Second Place:
Tanzima Z. Islam - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Harnessing Multiple Cores for Efficient Checkpointing in Grid Systems
Third Place:
Nurcan Durak - University of Louisville
Title of Submission: Principal Contour Extraction and Contour Classification to Detect Coronal Loops from the Solar Images
First Place:
Sophia Yang - Pomona College
Title of Submission: What are You Looking At? Classifying Neural Activity of the Fusiform Face Area
Second Place:
Sarah H. Harmon - Colby College
Title of Submission: Human Perception of Gendered Artificial Entities
First Place:
Souvik Sen - Duke University
Title of Submission: Listen Before You Talk, But on the Frequency Domain
Second Place:
Shahriyar Amini - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Cach?: Caching Location-Enhanced Content to Improve User Privacy
Third Place:
Dan Levin - Deutsche Telekom Labs
Title of Submission: TCPSpeaker: Clean and Dirty Sides of the Same Slate
First Place:
Niket K. Choudhary - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: FabScalar: Composing Synthesizable RTL Designs of Arbitrary Cores within a Canonical Superscalar Template
Second Place:
Mehdi Modarressi - Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Title of Submission: A Scalable High-performance Reconfigurable On-chip Network Architecture
Third Place:
Nalini Vasudevan - Columbia University
Title of Submission: D2C: Deterministic, Deadlock-free Concurrency
First Place:
Peter Calvert - University of Cambridge, UK
Title of Submission: Offloading Java to Graphics Processors
First Place:
Szymon Jakubczak - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: One-Size-Fits-All Wireless Video
Second Place:
Samuel David Perli - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: PixNet: LCD-Camera Pairs as Communication Links
Third Place:
Jie Xiong - University College London
Title of Submission: SecureAngle: Improving Wireless Security Using Angle-of-Arrival Information
First Place:
Tianyi Wang - Tsinghua University
Title of Submission: Unbiased Sampling in Directed Social Graph
First Place:
Pedro Cruz - Universidade de Coimbra
Title of Submission: Visualizing Empires Decline
Second Place:
James Gregson - The University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: Rapid Surface and Volume Mesh Generation From Depth-Augmented Visual Hulls
Third Place:
Michael Berger - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: SecureAngle: Carnival: A Modular Framework for Automated Facial Animation
First Place:
Tan Yan - University of Illinois
Title of Submission: A Novel Placement Approach to Length-Matching Routing
Second Place:
Peter Milder - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: A Formula-Driven Approach for Compiling and Optimizing Hardware Implementations of DSP Transforms
Third Place:
Xiangyu Dong - Penn State University
Title of Submission: Modeling and Leveraging Emerging Non-Volatile Memories for Future Computer Designs
First Place:
Tsung Wei Huang - National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Title of Submission: Droplet Routing Algorithms for Digital Microfluidic Biochips
First Place:
Eva Burrows - University of Bergen, Norway
Title of Submission: Harnessing the Driving Force of Dependencies
Second Place:
Anh Vo - University of Utah
Title of Submission: Scalable Verification of MPI Programs
Third Place:
Mirza Beg - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: Instruction Scheduling on Multicores
First Place:
Daniel Ehrenberg - Carleton College
Title of Submission: Closure Elimination as Constant Propagation
First Place:
Andrew Bragdon - Brown University
Title of Submission: Code Bubbles: Rethinking the User Interface Paradigm of Integrated Development Environments
Second Place:
Zvonimir Rakamaric - University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: STORM: Static Unit Testing of Concurrent Programs
Third Place:
Thomas Fritz - University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: Staying Aware of Relevant Feeds in Context
First Place:
Florian S. Gysin - University of Bern
Title of Submission: Improved Social Trustability of Code Search Results
First Place:
Yuichi Fujiki - University of Houston
Title of Submission: IPHONE As a Physical Activity Measurement Platform
Second Place:
Dana Rotman - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: STORM: Constant Connectivity, Selective Participation: Mobile-Social Interaction of Students and Faculty
Third Place:
D.Yvette Wohn - Michigan State University
Title of Submission: Building Commmon Ground and Reciprocity through Social Network Games
First Place:
Eleanor Poley - Knox College
Title of Submission: RUMU Editor: A Non-WYSIWYG Web Editor for Non-Technical Users
Second Place:
Yvonne Jansen - RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Title of Submission: MUDPAD: Fluid Haptics for Multitouch Surfaces
Third Place:
Elizabeth Stobert - Carleton University, Canada
Title of Submission: Usability and Strength in Click-Based Graphical Passwords
First Place:
Andrew Meneely - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Secure Open Source Collaboration: An Empirical Study of Linus' Law
First Place:
Tommy Carpenter - Central CT State Univ.
Title of Submission: Iris Recognition for Mobile Devices
Second Place:
Eric Drewniak - Wheaton College
Title of Submission: Unsupervised Discovery of Motifs with Amplitude
Third Place:
Stefan Maurer - Hiram College
Title of Submission: Analysis of User Behavior
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