Winners, SRC 2011 - 2012
First Place:
Vladimir Umiftsev - University of Nebraska-Omaha
Title of Submission: A Scalable Group Testing Based Algorithm for Finding d-highest Betweenness Centrality Vertices in Large Scale Networks
Second Place:
Sam Ade Jacobs - Texas A&M University
Title of Submission: From Days to Seconds: Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Motion Planning
Third Place:
Ehsan Totoni - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title of Submission: Optimizing All-to-All Algorithm for Blue Waters Using Simulation
First Place:
Tiffany C. Inglis - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: Generating Opt Art Lines
Second Place:
Maryam Sadeghi - Simon Fraser University
Title of Submission: Automated Detection and Analysis of Dermoscopic Structures on Dermoscopy Images
Third Place:
Niyati Chhaya - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Joint Inference for Extracting Text Descriptors from Triage Images of Mass Disaster Victims
First Place:
Stephanie M. Antetomaso - Wheaton College
Title of Submission: Unsupervised Phoneme Segmentation in Continuous Speech
Second Place:
Pragya Tripathi - Columbia College
Title of Submission: Alice in WonderClassroom
Third Place:
Avani Nandini - Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Title of Submission: What If Application Demands Phonetic Similarity?
First Place:
Rolf Black - University of Dundee, Scotland
Title of Submission: The PhonicStick - A Joystick to Generate Novel Words Using Phonics
Second Place:
Ha Trinh - University of Dundee, Scotland
Title of Submission: Using a Computer Intervention to Support Phonological Awareness Development of Nonspeaking Adults
Third Place:
Markus Guentert - University of Potsdam, Germany
Title of Submission: Improving Public Transit Accessibility for Blind Riders: A Train Station Navigation Assistant
First Place:
Brandon Shrewsbury - University of West Georgia
Title of Submission: Providing Haptic Feedback Using The Kinect
Second Place:
Sanjana Prasain - University of Washington
Title of Submission: StopFinder: Improving the Experience of Blind Public Transit Riders with Crowdsourcing
Third Place:
Victoria Hribar - Virginia Commonwealth University
Title of Submission: The TaskTracker
First Place:
Hari K. Pyla - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Coarse-Grain Speculation for Emerging Processors
Second Place:
Jelena Vlasenko - Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Title of Submission: Exploring Developer's Tool Paths
Third Place:
Hiroki Nishino - NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering, Singapore
Title of Submission: Misfits in Abstractions: Toward User Centered Design in Domain-Specific Languages for End-user Programming
First Place:
Sarah Chasins - Swarthmore College
Title of Submission: Efficient Implementation of the Plaid Language
Second Place:
Melina Mongiovi - Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Title of Submission: Safira: A Tool for Evaluating Behavior Preservation
Third Place:
Ernesto Alfonso - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Automatic Protocol-Conformance Recommendations
First Place:
Alexandros Tzannes - University of Maryland, College Park
Title of Submission: Improving Run-Time Scheduling for General-Purpose Parallel Code
Second Place:
Zhijia Zhao - College of William and Mary
Title of Submission: Probabilistic Models towards Optimal Speculation of DFA Applications
Third Place:
Rance Rodrigues - University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Title of Submission: An Architecture to Enable Lifetime Full Chip Testability in Chip Multiprocessors
First Place:
Ashish Patro - University of Wisconsin
Title of Submission: AirTrack: Locating Non-WiFi Interferers using Commodity WiFi Hardware
Second Place:
Zhongli Liu - University of Massachusetts Lowell
Title of Submission: HAWK: An Unmanned Mini Helicopter-based Aerial Wireless Kit for Search, Rescue and Surveillance
Third Place:
Ahmed E. Kosba - Egypt-Japan Univ. of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: A Robust Technique for WLAN Device-free Passive Motion Detection
First Place:
Matthias Wilhelm - TU Kaiserslautern
Title of Submission: WiFire: A Firewall for Wireless Networks
Second Place:
Wenchao Zhou - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: FSR: Formal Analysis and Implementation Toolkit for Safe Inter-domain Routing
Third Place:
Mainack Mondal - Max Planck Institute
Title of Submission: Limiting Large-scale Crawls of Social Networking Sites
First Place:
Lech Swirski - University of Cambridge
Title of Submission: Layered Photo Pop-Up
Second Place:
Clemens Birklbauer - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Title of Submission: Display Pixel Caching
Third Place:
Yusuke Matsui - The University of Tokyo
Title of Submission: Interactive Manga Retargeting
First Place:
Wing Chiu Tam - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Physically-Aware Analysis of Systematic Defects in Integrated Circuits
Second Place:
Jayanand Asok Kumar - University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Title of Submission: Static Analysis of RTL Source Code for Estimating Aging-induced Degradation
Third Place:
Nauman Khan - Tufts University
Title of Submission: Method to Mitigate Through-Silicon Via-Induced Substrate Noise
First Place:
Dimitris Vardoulakis - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: High-Order Flow Analysis with Call/Return Matching
Second Place:
Cindy Rubio Gonzalez - Universidad of Wisconsin, Madison
Title of Submission: Finding Error-Handling Bugs Using Static Analysis
Third Place:
Jaeheon Yi - University of California, Santa Cruz
Title of Submission: Building a Better Concurrency: Cooperative Reasoning for Preemptive Execution
First Place:
Samantha Wood - Bryn Mawr College
Title of Submission: SMOReS: Sparse Matrix Omens of Reordering Success
Second Place:
Max Grossman - Rice University
Title of Submission: Dynamic Task parallelism with a GPU Work-Stealing Runtime System
Third Place:
Sandeep Kumar Bindal - Indian Institute of Technology, India
Title of Submission: Systematic Ranking of Thread Schedules for Testing Multithreaded Programs
First Place:
Yuan Tian - Auburn University
Title of Submission: Enabling Petascale Data Analysis for Scientific Applications Through Data Reorganization
Second Place:
Matthieu Dorier - ENS Cachan
Title of Submission: Damaris: Using Dedicated I/O Cores for Scalable Post-petascale HPC Simulations
Third Place:
Choonki Jang - Seoul National University
Title of Submission: An Automatic Code Overlaying Technique for Multicores with Explicitly-Managed Memory Hierarchies
First Place:
Shauvik Roy Choudhary - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Detecting Cross-browser Issues in Web Applications
Second Place:
Sai Zhang - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Combined Static and Dynamic Automated Test Generation
Third Place:
Sandeep Kumar - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: Specification Mining in Concurrent and Distributed Systems
First Place:
Julius Davies - University of Victoria, Canada
Title of Submission: Measuring Subversions: Security and Legal Risk in Reused Software Artifacts
Second Place:
Vanessa Pena - Universidad de Chile
Title of Submission: Test Blueprint: An Effective Visual Support for Test Coverage
Third Place:
Xusheng Xiao
Title of Submission: Problem Identification for Structural Test Generation: First Step Towards Cooperative Developer Testing
First Place:
Hyungsin Kim - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Exploring Technological Opportunities for Cognitive Impairment Screening
Second Place:
Wei Dong - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Title of Submission: Cultural Difference in Image Searching
Third Place:
Vera Liao - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Title of Submission: How User Reviews Influence Older and Younger Adults' Credibility Judgments of Online Health Information
First Place:
Svenja Leifert - University of Konstanz
Title of Submission: The Influence of Grids on Spatial and Content Memory
First Place:
Camila Nunes - PUC Rio
Title of Submission: On the Proactive Identification of Mistakes on Concern Mapping Tasks
Second Place:
Danilo Ansaloni - University of Lugano
Title of Submission: Self-Refining Aspects for Dynamic Program Analysis
Third Place:
Ismael Figueroa - University of Chile
Title of Submission: Avoiding Confusion with Exception Handling in Aspect-Oriented Programming
First Place:
Acey Boyce - University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Title of Submission: Augmenting Educational Tools through Conversion to Games
First Place:
Zachary Zappala - The College of New Jersey
Title of Submission: Investigating Computational Methods for Evaluating Putative Substrate Conformations in Cytochrome P450s
Second Place:
Charles Stolper - Furman University
Title of Submission: TheCave: Using GPUs and Classical Philosophy to Data-Mine Images
Third Place:
Shaun Pickford - University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Title of Submission: Dance Tool: Creation of a New Culturally Situated Educational Game
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