Winners, SRC 2016 - 2017
SIGCSE 2017 Winners
First Place:
Daniel Welch - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Scaling Up Automated Verification: A Case Study and Formal-IDE for the Construction of High Integrity Software
First Place:
Joshua Buck - University of Dayton
Title of Submission: Mixed-initiative Personal Assistants
Second Place:
Sierra Magnotla - Bucknell University
Title of Submission: Creative Computing and Society: When Undergraduates Design a Curriculum for an Introductory Computing Course
Third Place:
Lukasz Brodowski - Central Connecticut State University
Title of Submission: Tapped-based Authentication for Mobile Device Security
CGO 2017 Winners
First Place:
Kazem Chesmi - Rutgers University
Title of Submission: Decoupling Symbolic from Numeric in Sparse Direct Solvers
Second Place:
David Vernet - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: JCoz: A Causal Java Profiler
Third Place:
Tiancong Wang - NC State University
Title of Submission: Cross-Version Persistent Programming
POPL 2017 Winners
First Place:
William Bowman - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Toward Type-Preserving Compilation of Coq
Second Place:
Samuel Drews - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: FairSquare: A Static Analysis Tool for Algorithmic Fairness
Third Place:
Max S. New - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Gradual Type Precision as Retraction
First Place:
Victor Lanvin - ENS Paris-Saclay
Title of Submission: Gradual Set-Theoretic Types
Second Place:
Yuu Igarashi - Kyoto University
Title of Submission: A gradually typed polymorphic lambda calculus
Third Place:
Nicholas Rioux - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Naturality despite Nontermination: A Logical Relation for Linear Types and Polymorphism
FSE 2016 Winners
First Place:
Calvin Loncaric - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Cozy: Synthesizing Collection Data Structures
Second Place:
Titus Barik - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: How should static analysis tools explain anomalies to developers?
Third Place:
Spencer Pearson - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Evaluation of Fault Localization Techniques
First Place:
Martin Kellogg - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Combining Bug Detection and Test Case Generation
Second Place:
Felipe Rodrigues Monteiro Sousa - Federal University of Amazonas
Title of Submission: Bounded Model Checking of State-Space Digital Systems
Third Place:
Christopher Mackie - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Preventing Signedness Errors in Numerical Computations in Java
ICCAD 2016 Winners
First Place:
Xiaoqing Xu - University of Texas at Austin
Title of Submission: Enable Unidirectional Detailed Routing in Advanced Technology Nodes
Second Place:
Li Zhang - Technical University of Munich
Title of Submission: Countering Process Variations with Post-Silicon Clock Tuning
Third Place:
Xunzhao Yin - University of Notre Dame
Title of Submission: Exploiting Ferroeletric FET for Low-Power Non-Volatile Logic-in-Memory Circuits
First Place:
Jennifer Vaccaro - Olin College of Engineering
Title of Submission: Applying Computer Modeling to Post-Silicon Validation
SC 2016 Winners
First Place:
Sourav Chakraborty - Ohio State University
Title of Submission: Job Startup at Exascale: Challenges and Solutions
Second Place:
Julian Hammer - University of Erlangen_Nuremberg
Title of Submission: Performance Modeling and Engineering with Kerncraft
Third Place:
Nathanael Cheriere - ENS Rennes
Title of Submission: Design and Evaluation of Topology-Aware Scatter and AllGather Algorithms for Dragonfly Networks
First Place:
William Agnew - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Touring Dataland? Automated Recommendations for the Big Data Traveler
Second Place:
Jonathan Wang - University of California, Berkeley
Title of Submission: Analysis of Variable Selection Methods on Scientific Cluster Measurement Data
Third Place:
Matthew Bae - Harvey Mudd College
Title of Submission: Discovering Energy Resource Usage Patterns on Scientific Clusters
SIGSPATIAL 2016 Winners
First Place:
Ashwin Shashidharan - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: tFUTURES: Computational Steering for Geosimulations
Second Place:
Chenggang Lai - University of Arkansas
Title of Submission: Accelerating the Calculation of Minimum Set of Viewpoints for Maximum Coverage over Digital Elevation Model Data by Hybrid Computer Architecture and System
Third Place:
Wenlu Wang - Auburn University
Title of Submission: Dynamic Indoor Navigation with Bayesian Filters
First Place:
Aaron San Jose - University of California, Merced
Title of Submission: City-Scale Mapping of Pets Using Georeferenced Images
SPLASH 2016 Winners
First Place:
Henrik Barthels - RWTH Aachen
Title of Submission: A Compiler for Linear Algebra Operations
Second Place:
Joseph Caldwell - University of Tokyo
Title of Submission: Reducing Procedure Call Bloat in ARM Binaries
Third Place:
Andrei Chris - University of Bern
Title of Submission: Towards object-aware development tools
First Place:
Jessica Cherayil - Wellesley College
Title of Submission: Supporting Dynamic Area of Interest Tagging in Programming Studies with Eye Tracking
Second Place:
Zhen Zhang - University of Science and Technology of China
Title of Submission:xWIDL: Modular & Deep JavaScript API Misuses Checking based on eXtended WebIDL
Third Place:
David Chang - Grinnell College
Title of Submission:Scrambler: Dynamic Layout Adaptation
GRACE HOPPER 2016 Winners
First Place:
Setareh Ariafar - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Network-SVM: Support Vector Machine for Network Data
Second Place:
Anne Ross - University of Washington, Seattle
Title of Submission: Enhancing the Accessibility of Mobile Applications
Third Place:
Harini Gunabalan - Technical University Darmstadt
Title of Submission: DO-AS-CASPOTT: DevOps AutoScaler & Critical Artifact SPOTTer Tool for Cloud Applications
First Place:
Clarissa Bruno Tuxen - Emory University
Title of Submission: Scaling in Socially Driven Computer Networks
Second Place:
Ancy Philip - Anna University
Title of Submission:Indoor Honking, Indication system in Smart Cars
Third Place:
Samaa Gazzaz - University of Missouri, Kansas City
Title of Submission:Harnessing Kansas City Data to Improve the Lives of Citizens
ASSETS 2016 Winners
First Place:
Mirko Gelsomini - Politecnico di Milano
Title of Submission: An Affordable Virtual Reality Learning Framework for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Second Place:
Catherine Feng - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Designing Wearable Mobile Device Controllers for Blind People: A Co-Design Approach
Third Place:
Vijay Rajanna Liu - Texas A&M University
Title of Submission: Gaze Typing Through Foot Operated Wearable Device
First Place:
Matthew Seita - RIT
Title of Submission: Closed ASL Interpreting for Online Videos
Second Place:
Taylor Gotfrid - University of California, Santa Cruz
Title of Submission:Games for People with Developmental Disabilities
MODELS 2016 Winners
First Place:
Gábor Szárnyas - Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Title of Submission: Scalable Graph Query Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Models
Second Place:
Cláudio Gomes - University of Antwerp
Title of Submission: Foundations for Continuous Time Hierarchical Co-simulation
Third Place:
Gwendal Daniel - Inria, Mines Nantes
Title of Submission: Efficient Persistence and Query Techniques for Very Large Models
MobiCom 2016 Winners
First Place:
Omid Abari - MIT
Title of Submission: MiRa: A millimeter wave software defined radio platform with phased arrays
Second Place:
Ashutosh Dhekne - UIUC
Title of Submission: Cell tower extension through drones
Third Place:
Xing Liu - Indiana University
Title of Submission: Measuring and Optimizing smartwatch energy consumption
First Place:
Nathaniel Stone - University of South Carolina
Title of Submission: Assessing Header Impacts in Soccer with Smartball
Second Place:
Giacomo Quadio - University of Padua
Title of Submission:Network Analysis of the Steam In-Home Streaming Game System
SIGDOC 2016 Winners
First Place:
Chris Lindgren - University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Title of Submission: Understanding Big Data Processing as Designing Provisional Texts
Second Place:
Arthur Berger - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Commercial Proposal Collaborative Writing Practices
Third Place:
John Sherrill - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Teaching Documentation Through 3D Printing and Instructables
First Place:
Erin Campbell - Michigan State University
Title of Submission: Participatory Museums: The User Experience of Creative Agents
Second Place:
Leslie Simms - University of Central Florida
Title of Submission: Balancing the Equation of Undergraduate Research: The Importance of Reading, Learning, and Presentation Stability in the Success of STEM Laboratories
Third Place:
Tommy Truong - Michigan State University
Title of Submission: Virtual Reality in Pedagogy
ICFP 2016 Winners
First Place:
Daniel Hillerström - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: First-class Message-Passing Concurrency with Handlers
Second Place:
Jennifer Paykin - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: The Linearity Monad
Third Place:
Jakub Zalewski - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: λdB: Blame tracking at higher fidelity
First Place:
Nicolás Lehmann - University of Chile
Title of Submission: Gradual Refinement Types
Second Place:
Amy MacDonough - Haverford College
Title of Submission: Recursive Convergence
PACT 2016 Winners
First Place:
Roman Kaplan - Technion
Title of Submission: From Processing-in-Memory to Processing-in-Storage
Second Place:
Arthur Kiyanovski - Technion
Title of Submission: Network Controller Emulation on a Sidecore for Unmodified Virtual Machines
Third Place:
Kim-Anh Tran - Uppsala University
Title of Submission: SWOOP: Software Out-of-Order Execution for In-Order Architectures
Sigcomm 2016 Winners
First Place:
Anne Edmundson - Princeton University
Title of Submission: A First Look into Transnational Routing Detours
Second Place:
Rachee Singh - UMass, Amherst
Title of Submission: Path Cache: A Path Prediction Toolkit
Third Place:
Elverton Fazzion - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Title of Submission: Efficient Remapping of Internet Routing Events
Siggraph2016 Winners
First Place:
MHD Yemen Saraiji - Keio University
Title of Submission: Layered Telespresence:Simultaneous Mutli Presence using Eye Gaze based Perpetual Awareness Blending
Second Place:
Tuur Stuyck - KU Leuven
Title of Submission: Sculpting Fluids: A New and Intuitive Approac to Art-Directable Fluids
Third Place:
Carlos Aliaga - University of Zaragoza
Title of Submission: A Fiber-Level Model for Predictive Cloth Rendering
First Place:
Shoichi Furukawa - Waseda University
Title of Submission: Video Reshuffling: Automatic Video Dubbing without Prior Knowledge
connected Photo- Plethysmography (PPG) Signals
Second Place:
Satoshi Hashizume - University of Tsukuba
Title of Submission: Mobile Cross-Platform Permission Analysis
Third Place:
Yu-Xiang Wang - National Taiwan University
Title of Submission: ThirdEye: A coaxialfeature tracking system for stereoscopic video see-through augmented reality
PLDI 2016 Winners
First Place:
Lisa Nguyen Quang Do - Fraunhofer IEM
Title of Submission: Towards Layered Static Analyses
Second Place:
Benno Stein - University of Colorado, Boulder
Title of Submission: Goal-Directed Backwards Static Analysis for JavaScript
Third Place:
Byron Hawkins - University of California, Irvine
Title of Submission: Reducing Functionality of Simple Web Applications Built on Large PHP Frameworks
First Place:
Ryan Doenges - University of Washington
Title of Submission: A Mechanically Verified Implementation of Chord
Second Place:
Daryl Zuniga - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Proving Peephole Optimizations Correct
Third Place:
Ziv Scully - MIT
Title of Submission: A Program Optimization for Automatic Database Result Caching
MIS/CPR 2016 Winners
First Place:
Elston Steele - Trident University International
Title of Submission: Investigating the Role of Top Management and Institutional Pressures in Cloud Computing Adoption
First Place:
Danielle Sherman - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Title of Submission: Encouraging Minority and Low-income Girls to Pursue Computing through Inclusive Technology Camps
Second Place:
Chad Schaefer - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Title of Submission: Toward Building a Mobile App Experience to Support User's Mobile Travel Needs
MobileSoft 2016 Winners
First Place:
Michael Willocx - KU Leuven
Title of Submission: Comparing performance parameters of mobile app development strategies
Second Place:
Miyeon Jung - Postech
Title of Submission: Toward Designing Mobile Software to Predict Hypoglycemia for Patients with Diabetes
Third Place:
Zhiyuan Chen - University of Nebraska, Omaha
Title of Submission: Helping Mobile Software Code Reviewers: A Study of Bug Repair and Refactoring Patterns
First Place:
Vasu Jindal - University of Texas at Dallas
Title of Submission: Heart Rate Monitoring During Intensive Physical Exercise Using Mobile and Cloud
connected Photo- Plethysmography (PPG) Signals
Second Place:
Walter Squires - Iona College
Title of Submission: Mobile Cross-Platform Permission Analysis
Third Place:
Madi Zhanbyrtayev - Nazarbayev University
Title of Submission: A Novel Approach to Mobile Indoor Navigation Systems
ICSE 2016 Winners
First Place:
Ting Su - East China Normal University, China
Title of Submission: FSMdroid: Guided GUI Testing of Android Apps
Second Place:
Justin Smith - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Identifying Successful Strategies for Resolving Static Analysis Notifications
Third Place(Tie):
Ameer Armaly - University of Notre Dame
Title of Submission: An Empirical Study of Blindness and Program Comprehension
Third Place(Tie):
Shiyou Huang - Texas A&M University
Title of Submission: Maximally Stateless Model Checking for Concurrent Bugs under Relaxed Memory Models
CHI 2016 Winners
First Place:
Amna Basharat - University of Georgia
Title of Submission: Learnersourcing Thematic and Inter-Contextual Annotations from Islamic Texts
Second Place:
Leila Barmaki - University of Central Florida
Title of Submission: Improving Social Communication Skills Using Kinesics
Third Place:
Crystal Tobias - San Jose State University
Title of Submission: Older Users and In-Vehicle Navigation Map Design Elements
First Place:
Meghan Plank - Drexel University
Title of Submission: Bounce: A Mobile Behavioral Intervention Technology for Breast Cancer Survivors
Second Place:
Keisha Jayaratne - University of Technology, Sydney
Title of Submission: The Memory Tree: Using Sound to Support Reminiscence
Third Place:
Jihoon Suh - KAIST
Title of Submission: Veri-Pen: A Pen-based Identification Through Natural Biometrics Extraction
SAC 2016 Winners
First Place:
Rosemary Koikara - Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Title of Submission: A 3D-Cellular Automata based Pseudo-random Number Generator
Second Place:
Amir Atabekov - Kennesaw State University
Title of Submission: Internet of Things-Based Smart Classroom Environment
Third Place:
Masoud Reyhani Hamedani - Hanyang University, South Korea
Title of Submission: An Efficient and Effective Link-based Similarity Measure in Social and Information Network
Modularity 2016 Winners
First Place:
Arik Hadas - Open University of Israel
Title of Submission: Language Oriented Modularity: From Theory to Practice
Second Place:
Ligia Nisto - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: The Modularity of Object Propositions
Third Place:
Ivan Vasilev - NovSU
Title of Submission: Selective Process Instrumentation in Virtual Machine
CGO 2016 Winners
First Place:
Rubens E.A. Moreira - UFMG, Brazil
Title of Submission: Inference of Peak Density of Indirect Branches to Detect ROP Attacks
Second Place:
Duco Van Amstel - INRIA- Kalray S.A.
Title of Submission: Generalized Tiling
Third Place:
Vimuth Dinuka Fernando - University of Moratuwa
Title of Submission: Autotuning Multi-tiered Applications for Performance
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