Winners, SRC 2015 - 2016
First Place:
Maira Rejane Marques Samary - Universidad de Chile
Title of Submission: Monitoring - An Intervention to Improve Team Results in Software Engineering Education
Second Place:
Caroline Hardin - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: Learning to Program using online forums, A comparison of links posted on Reddit and Stack Overflow
Third Place:
Michael Izbicki - University of California-Riverside
Title of Submission: Open Sourcing the Classroom
First Place:
Kayla Holcomb - Abilene Christian University
Title of Submission: The Role of Chronology in Analyzing Introductory Programming Assignments
Second Place:
Matthew Steuerer - The College of New Jersey
Title of Submission: Implementing K-Means Clustering and Collaborative Filtering to Enhance Sustainability of Project Repositories
Third Place:
Matthew Pfister - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Novel Logical Reasoning Tutor
POPL 2016 Winners
First Place:
Suguman Bansal - Rice University
Title of Submission: Reasoning about incentive compatibility
Second Place:
Calvin Smith - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title of Submission: Synthesis with Respect to Normality
Third Place:
Maria A Schett - University of Innsbruck
Title of Submission: From Trees To Graphs: Understanding The Implications Of Sharing For Rewriting
First Place:
Joey Eremondi, Utrecht University
Title of Submission: Polyvariant Pattern Match Analysis with Implication Constraints
First Place:
Amir Gholami - University of Texas at Austin
Title of Submission: AccFFT: A New Parallel FFT Library for CPU and GPU Architectures
Second Place:
Na Zhang - Stony Brook University
Title of Submission: Efficient Multiscale Platelets Modeling Using Supercomputers
Third Place:
Xiao Wang - Purdue University
Title of Submission: High Performance Model Based Image Reconstruction
First Place:
Adnan Haider - Illinois Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Lessons from Post-Processing Climate Data on Modern Flash-Based HPC Systems
Second Place:
Luther D. Martin - National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
Title of Submission: Optimization Strategies for Materials Science Applications on Cori: An Intel Knights Landing, Many Integrated Core Architecture
Third Place:
Tiffany A. Connors - Texas State University
Title of Submission: Modeling the Impact of Thread Configuration on Power and Performance of GPUs
First Place:
Onur Sahin- Boston University
Title of Submission: Pushing QoS-Awareness into Thermal Management for Sustainable User Experience in Mobile Devices
Second Place:
Fa Wang - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Indirect Performance Sensing for On-Chip Self-Healing of Analog/RF Circuits
Third Place:
Marco Donato - Brown Unviersity
Title of Submission: A Fast Simulator for the Analysis of Sub-Threshold Thermal Noise Transients
Second Place:
Jihoon Hyun - KAIST
Title of Submission: Power Allocation in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Array for a Residential Power
First Place:
Lei Shi- Cornell Tech
Title of Submission: TALKABEL: A Labeling Method for 3D Printed Models
Second Place:
Shachar Maidenbaum- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Title of Submission: Sensory Substitution Training for Users who are Blind with Dynamic Stimuli, Games and Virtual Environments
Third Place:
Yashesh Gaur - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: The Effects of Automatic Speech Recognition Quality on Human Transcription Latency
First Place:
Michelle Hu- Cornell Tech
Title of Submission: Exploring New Paradigms for Accessible 3D Printed Graphs
Second Place:
Megan Hofmann- Colorado State University
Title of Submission: Sensory Substitution Training for Users who are Blind with Dynamic Stimuli, Games and Virtual Environments
Third Place:
Yashesh Gaur - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Making Connections: Modular 3D Printing for Designing Assistive Attachments to Prosthetic Devices
First Place (Tie):
Ragnar Mogk- TU Darmstadt
Title of Submission: Concurrency Control for Multithreaded Reactive Programming
Swarnendu Biswas- Ohio State University
Title of Submission: Viser: Providing Serializability in Hardware With Simplified Cache Coherence
Second Place:
Alisa Maas- University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: Automatic Array Property Detection via Static Analysis
Third Place:
Minjia Zhang- Ohio State University
Title of Submission: SIRe: An Efficient Snapshot Isolation-based Memory Model for Detecting and Tolerating Region Conflicts
First Place:
Andrew Kofink - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission:Contributions of the Under- Appreciated:Gender Bias in an Open-Source Ecology
First Place:
Miguel Angel Aguilar - Aachen University
Title of Submission: Unified Identification of Multiple Forms of Parallelism in Embedded Applications
Second Place:
Ahmad Hassan - Queen's University of Belfast
Title of Submission: Energy-Efficient Hybrid DRAM/NVM Main Memory
Third Place:
Jie Zhang - Yonsei University
Title of Submission: Integrating 3D Resistive Memory Cache into GPGPU for Energy-Efficient Data Processing
First Place:
Risa Myers - Rice University
Title of Submission: Intracranial Pressure Crises:Predicting 30 Minutes Out
Second Place:
Junia Valente - University of Texas, Dallas
Title of Submission: Trustworthy Attestation of Untrusted Sensors
Third Place:
Alexandra Ferreron - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Title of Submission: Exploiting Redundancy for Efficient Cache Operation at Near-threshold Voltages
First Place:
Jamie Lesser - Williams College
Title of Submission: Experimental Computer Graphics Microfacet Theory Validation
Second Place:
Leesha Maliakal - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: CrowdCheer: Situational Crowdsourcing of Motivation for Runners
Third Place:
Lisa Jones - US Military Academy at West Point
Title of Submission: Endgame Studies in Quantized Chess
First Place:
Ivan Ruchkin - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Architectural and Analytic Integration of Cyber-Physical System Models
Second Place:
Amal Khalil - Queen's University, Canada
Title of Submission: Change-driven Incremental Symbolic Execution of Evolving State Machines
Third Place:
Loli Burgueno- University of Malaga, Spainn
Title of Submission: Testing M2M/M2T/T2M Transformations
First Place:
Puneet Jain - Duke University
Title of Submission: User Location Fingerprinting at Scale
Second Place:
Zhao Tian - Dartmouth College
Title of Submission: Visible Light Communication in the Dark
First Place:
Justin Chan - Dartmouth College
Title of Submission: WiPrint: 3D Printing Your Wireless Coverage
Second Place:
Matteo Pozza - University of Padua
Title of Submission: Mobile Data Offloading Testbed
First Place:
Christopher Theisen - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Automated Attack Surface Approximation
Second Place:
Kevin Moran - College of William and Mary
Title of Submission: Enhancing Android Application Bug Reporting
Third Place:
Martin Konopka - Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Title of Submission: Combining Eye Tracking with Navigation Paths for Identification of Cross-Language Code Dependencies
First Place:
Shuktika Jain - Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi
Title of Submission: Automated Generation of Programming Language Quizzes
Second Place:
Thomas White- The University of Sheffield
Title of Submission: Increasing the Efficiency of Search-Based Unit Test Generation using Parameter Control
First Place:
Jennifer Paykin - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: Curry-Howard for Callbacks
Second Place:
Cyrus Omar - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Modular Syntaxg
Third Place:
Robert Rand - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: Verifying Probabilistic Programs in the Presence of an Adversary
First Place:
Izzy Meckler - University of Chicago
Title of Submission: Synthesis with String Diagrams in Haskellzes
Second Place:
Kyle Headley - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Sparse Adapton
Third Place:
Alberto Sadde - University of York, UK
Title of Submission: Functional GPU Programming: A Comparison between Obsidian and Accelerate
First Place:
Heidi Howard - University of Cambridge
Title of Submission: Coracle: Evaluating consensus at the internet edge
First Place:
Seungbae Bang - KAIST
Title of Submission: Interactive Rigging
Second Place:
Robert Gregor - University of Konstanz, Germany
Title of Submission: Fractured 3D Object Restoration and Completion
Third Place:
Yu Wang - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Rigid Fluid
First Place:
Daniel Rakita - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: Interring Gaze Shifts from Captured Body Motion
Second Place:
Ben Knowles - Bournemouth University
Title of Submission: Increasing Realism of animated grass in real-time environments
Third Place:
Shugo Yamaguchi - Waseda University
Title of Submission: BGMaker: Example-Based Anime Background Image Creation from a photograph
First Place:
Laura Gonzales - Michigan State Univeristy
Title of Submission: Portable Pedagogy: How Interaction Design Made Us Better Teachers
Second Place:
Daniel G. Cabrero - University of West London
Title of Submission: User-Created Persona: Namibian rural Otjiherero speakers
Third Place:
Joseph Yun - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Title of Submission: What's a Better Category? Shavers or Father's Day Gifts?
First Place:
Angelia Giannone - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Title of Submission: Picturing Information for Money: Visual Usage in Humanities-based Grant Applications
Second Place:
Elizabeth Oderkirk - Michigan State University
Title of Submission: From Connect-Exchange to ConnectX: The (Iterative) Story of a Mobile App
Second Place:
Kimberly Jung - Michigan State University
Title of Submission: From Connect-Exchange to ConnectX: The (Iterative) Story of a Mobile App
Third Place:
Mikal Post - Marist College
Title of Submission: The Impact of the Interface: Responding to Student Writing in CMS's
First Place:
Swarnendu Biswas - Ohio State University
Title of Submission: Low Overhead Region Conflict Detection
Second Place:
Jake Roemer - Ohio State University
Title of Submission: Effective Scheduling for Adversarial Memory
Third Place:
Adarsh Yoga - Rutgers University
Title of Submission: Precise Detection of Atomicity Violations in Structured Parallel Programs
First Place:
Jeevana Priya Inala - MIT
Title of Submission: Type Assisted Synthesis of Programs with Algebraic Data types
Second Place:
Alex Reinking - Yale University
Title of Submission: A type-directed approach to program repair
Third Place:
Jack Feser - Rice University
Title of Submission: Unification and Partial Eval. For Component-Based Synthesis
First Place:
Mario Linares-Vasquez - The College of William and Mary
Title of Submission: Enabling Testing of Android Apps
Second Place:
Javier Ricardo Escobar-Avila - Florida State University
Title of Submission: Automatic Categorization of Software Libraries Using Bytecode
Third Place:
Fabio Palomba - University of Salerno, Italy
First Place:
Caroline Lemieux - University of British Columbia, Canada
Title of Submission: Mining Temporal Properties of Data Invariants
Second Place:
Pascal Roos - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Title of Submission: Fast and Precise Statistical Code Completion
First Place:
Maria Gomez - Inria Lille Nord Europe
Title of Submission: Debugging of Mobile Apps in the Wild Guided by the Wisdom of Crowds
Second Place:
Zheng Song - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Programming Support for Seamless Resource Sharing across Heterogeneous
Third Place:
Felix Javier Acero Salazar - Politecnico di Milano
Title of Submission: Bridging the Gap Between the Platform Independent Models of Mobile Applications and Native MVC Code
First Place:
Yongsung Kim - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Libero: On-the-go Crowdsourcing for Package Delivery
Second Place:
Ahreum Lee - Hanyang University
Title of Submission: Challenges for Wearable Computers: Understanding of the meaning behind photo taking
Third Place:
Kirsten Alisa Smith - University of Aberdeen
Title of Submission: Digital Flower: Assessing the Supportiveness of Gift Emoticons in Care Scenarios
First Place:
Pedro Kirk - Goldsmiths College
Title of Submission: Can Specialized Electronic Musical Instruments Aid Stroke Rehabilitation?
Second Place:
Anji Ren- MIT
Title of Submission: Pull-to-Refresh and Learn: Leveraging Mobile Email Load Time for Education
Third Place:
Zachary T. Allen - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: GAZE: Using Mobile Devices to Promote Discovery and Data Collection
First Place:
Joerg Schloetterer - University of Passau
Title of Submission: From Context to Query
Second Place:
Swapnajit Chakraborti - Indian Institute of Management Indore
Title of Submission: Multi-Document Text Summarization for Competitor Intelligence: A Methodology Based on Topic Identification and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization
Third Place:
Murad Khan - Kyungpook National University
Title of Submission: Multi-Criteria Based Vertical Handover Decision in Heterogeneous Wireless Network
First Place:
Gennady Pechimenko - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Energy-Efficient Data Compression for GPU Memory Systems
Second Place:
Charlie Curtsinger - UMass, Amherst
Title of Submission: Causal Profiling:Finding Optimizations that Count
Third Place:
Ali Javadiabhari - Princeton University
Title of Submission: Fine- Grain, Compile-time Optimizations of Communication Bandwiths in a Tiled Quantum Architecture
First Place:
Thomas Degueule - IRISA - INRIA
Title of Submission: Towards Language Interfaces for DSLs Integration
Second Place:
Arik Hadas - Open University of Israel
Title of Submission: A Language Workbench for Creating Production-Ready Extensions to AspectJ
Third Place:
Leonardo Passos - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: Uncovering the Practice of Feature Scattering
First Place:
David Weintrop - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Minding the Gap Between Blocks-Based and Text-Based Programming
Second Place:
Hannah Blau - University of Massachusetts
Title of Submission: FrenchPress Gives Students Automated Feedback on Java Program Flaws
Third Place:
Austin Bart - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Situating Computational Thinking with BigData: Pedagogy and Technology
First Place:
Thomas Effland - SUNY University of Buffalo
Title of Submission: Towards Language Interfaces for DSLs Integration
Second Place:
Matt Bowen - University of Alabama
Title of Submission: Mobile Velocity Estimation - MoVVE
Third Place:
Lindsey Press - Villanova University
Title of Submission: Selection in 3D Graphics Environments
First Place:
William Ogilvie - University of Edinburgh
Title of Submission: Intelligent Heuristic Construction with Active Learning
Second Place:
Niranjan Hasabnis - Stony Brook University
Title of Submission: Employing Code Generators as De-code Generators: A Novel Approach for Assembly to IR Translation
Third Place:
Riyadh Baghdadi - KU Leuven
Title of Submission: Extending the Scope of Polyhedral Compilation: Progresses in Handling Irregular Codes and in Scalability
First Place:
Tharindu Rusira - University of Moratuwa
Title of Submission: Auto-tuning the HotSpot JVM
First Place:
Ezgi Cicek - Max Planck Institut
Title of Submission: Refinement Types for Incremental Computational Complexity
Second Place:
Siddharth Krishna- New York University
Title of Submission: Learning Linear Invariants using Decision Trees
Third Place:
Marko Doko - Max Planck Institut
Title of Submission: FSL: A Logic for Reasoning about Memory Fences
First Place:
Anjjan Narayan - NMAM Institute Of Technology
Title of Submission: Crystal Gomes and Rithesh Prabhu String Sorting on the GPU using Hybrid Algorithms
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