Winners, SRC 2014 - 2015
First Place:
Lu Xiao - Drexel University
Title of Submission: Detecting and Preventing the Architectural Roots of Bugs
Second Place:
Xin Yang - Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Title of Submission: Social Network Analysis in Open Source Software Peer Review
First Place:
Shuo Song - Nanjing University
Title of Submission: Estimating the Effectiveness of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization
First Place:
Amanda Bienz - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title of Submission: Reducing Network Contention Associated with Parallel Algebraic Mulitgrid
Second Place:
Gagan Gupta - University of Wisconsin, Madison
Title of Submission: Scalable Fault Tolerance in Multiprocessor Systems
Third Place:
Arif Khan - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Computing Approximate b-Matchings in Large Graphs and an Application to k-Anonymity
First Place:
Sean McDaniel - University of Delaware
Title of Submission: Comparing Decoupled I/O Kernels versus Real Traces in the I/O Analysis of the HACC Scientific Applications on Large-Scale Systems
Second Place:
Dylan Wang - University of California, Davis
Title of Submission: Performance Variability due to Job Placement on Edison
Third Place:
Ian Bertolacci - Colorado State University
Title of Submission: Orthogonal Scheduling of Stencil Computations with Chapel Iterators
First Place:
Shupeng Sun - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Fast Statistical Analysis of Rare Circuit Failure Events in High-Dimensional Variation Space
Second Place:
Ping Chi - University of California, Santa Barbara
Title of Submission: Facilitating PCRAM and STT-RAM as Next-Generation Memories: Architecture- and Application-Level Perspectives
Third Place:
Wujie Wen - University of Pittsburgh
Title of Submission: Error Characterization and Correction Techniques for Reliable STT-RAM Designs
First Place:
Benjamin Gorman - University of Dundee
Title of Submission: VisAural: a wearable sound localization device
Second Place:
Vikas Ashok - Stony Brook University
Title of Submission: Capti-Speak: A Speech Enabled Accessible Web Interface
Third Place:
Valentyn Melnyk - Stony Brook University
Title of Submission: Accessible Web Chat Interface
First Place:
Mitchell Gordon - University of Rochester
Title of Submission: Web Accessibility Evaluation with the Crowd
Second Place:
Nata Barbosa- Syracuse University
Title of Submission: Strategies an Inclusive Authentication Framework
First Place:
Martin Velez- University of California, Davis
Title of Submission: A Study ofWheat" and"Chaff" in Source Code"
Second Place:
Devin Coughlin - University of Colorado, Boulder
Title of Submission: Analysis with Type-Intertwined Separation Logic
Third Place:
Pascal Wittmann - TU Darmstadt
Title of Submission: A Language for the Specification and Efficient Implementation of Type Systems
First Place:
Santiago Gonzalez - Colorado School of Mines
Title of Submission: Improved Program Synthesis Through the Use of Packages
Second Place:
Dylan Bates - Coker College
Title of Submission: Recommending More Efficient Workflows to Software Developers
Third Place:
Brett Boston - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Quality Types for Approximate Programming
First Place:
Snigdha Chaturvedi - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: Instructor's Intervention in MOOC forums
Second Place:
Komal Kapoor - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: A Model for Satiation with Familiar Content and its Application to Recommendation
Third Place:
Larissa Suzuki - University College London
Title of Submission: A linked data platform ecosystem for the realization of smart and sustainable cities
First Place:
Shannon N. Lubetich - Pomona College
Title of Submission: Eve Eat Dust Mop: Measuring Syntactic Development in Child Language with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Second Place:
Emma Harrington - Williams College
Title of Submission: Using Escape Analysis in Dynamic Data Race Detection
Third Place:
Adedayo Oluokun - Obafemi Awolowo University
Title of Submission: Development of a Text-to-Speech Synthesis System For Yoruba Language
First Place:
Jonathan Corley - The University of Alabama
Title of Submission: Exploring Omniscient Debugging for Model Transformations
Second Place:
Ilias Gerostathopoulos - Charles University
Title of Submission: Model-Driven Design of Ensemble-Based Component Systems
Third Place:
Adrian Juan-Verdejo - University of Stuttgart
Title of Submission: Model-Driven Engineering Meets the Platform-as-a-Service Model
First Place:
Jianan Yue - Nanjing University
Title of Submission: Transition from EBNF to Xtext
Second Place:
Jesus Benede - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Title of Submission: Towards the Automatic Resolution of Architectural Variability in Software Product Line Architectures through Model Transformations
First Place:
Omid Abari - MIT
Title of Submission: Clock Synchronization for Distributed Wireless Protocols at the Physical Layer
Second Place:
Robert LiKamWa - Xi'an Jiaotong University of China
Title of Submission: Retrofitting Computer Vision Libraries for Concurrent Support on Mobile Devices
Third Place:
Tianxing Li- Dartmouth College
Title of Submission: Hiding Bits in Pixel Translucency Changes
First Place:
Tomas Petricek- University of Cambridge
Title of Submission: F# Data: Making structured data first-class citizens
Second Place:
Ruud Koot - Utrecht University
Title of Submission: Higher-Ranked Exception Types
Third Place:
Alejandro Serrano - Utrecht University
Title of Submission: Branching, disjointness and injectivity for OUTSIDEIN(X)
First Place:
Sherry Shanshan Ruan - McGill University
Title of Submission: Structural Recursion over Contextual Objects
Second Place:
Jonathan Brachthauser - University of Marburg
Title of Submission: Typesafe Extensible Functional Objects
Third Place:
Hamidhasan Ahmed - University of Pennsylvania
Title of Submission: Explicit Type Application
First Place:
Harshvardhan - University of Texas A&M
Title of Submission: Processing Big Data Graphs on Memory-Restricted Systems
Second Place:
Jeeva Paudel- University of Alberta
Title of Submission: Stratified Sampling for Even Workload Partitioning
Third Place:
Sudharsan J- IIT - Madras
Title of Submission: Data Remapping for an Energy Efficient Burst Chop in DRAM Memory Systems
First Place:
Serguei Makarov - University of Toronto
Title of Submission: An Event-Based Language for Dynamic Binary Translation Frameworks
Second Place:
Tejaswi Agarwal - University of Missouri-Columbia
Title of Submission: Design fo a hybrid MPI-CUDA benchmark suite for CPU-GPU clusters
First Place:
John Rula - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: Behind the Curtain: The importance of replica selection in next generation cellular networks
Second Place:
Arash Molavi - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Identifying Traffic Differentiation on Cellular Data Networks
Third Place:
Sajad Shirali-Shahreza - University of Toronto
Title of Submission: Traffic Statistic Collection with FleXam
First Place:
Angela Jiang - Northwestern University
Title of Submission: A cliq of content curators
Second Place:
Yuliang LI - Tsinghua University
Title of Submission: FlowInsight: Decoupling Visibility from Operability in SDN Data Plane
First Place:
C. Antonio Sanchez - University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: PolyMerge: a fast finite-element-based approach for hex-dominant mesh generation
Second Place:
Andrew Ho - University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: 3D Dynamic Visualization of Swallowing from Multi-Slice Computed Tomography
Third Place:
George Koulieris - Technical University of Crete
Title of Submission: C-LOD: Context-aware Material Level-of-Detail for Mobile Graphics
First Place:
Xi Chen - University of New South Wales
Title of Submission: PDSS - Pre-Integrated Deferred Subsurface Scattering
Second Place:
Or Avrahamy - Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Title of Submission: From Pain to Happiness: interpolating meaningful gait patterns
Third Place:
Hisatka Suzuki - Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: ExPixel: PixelShader for Multiplex image hiding on consumer 3D flat
First Place:
Emma Tosch - University of Massachusetts
Title of Submission Programming and Debugging Surveys
Second Place:
Veselin Raychev - ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: Probabilistic Name and Type Inference
Third Place:
Khan Nguyen - University of California, Irvine
Title of Submission: FACADE: A Compiler and Runtime for (Almost) Object-Bounded Big Data Applications
First Place:
Matthew Loring - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Generics in Jif
First Place:
Alexander Tarvo - Brown University
Title of Submission: Automatic performance modeling of multithreaded programs
Second Place:
Abhishek Bichhawat - Saarland University
Title of Submission: Exception handling for dynamic information flow control
Third Place:
Asankhaya Sharma - National University of Singapore
Title of Submission: Exploiting undefined behaviors for efficient symbolic execution
First Place:
Alejandro Infante - University of Chile
Title of Submission: Identifying caching opportunities, effortlessly
Second Place:
Alex Shaw- Auburn University
Title of Submission: Program transformations to fix C buffer overflows
First Place:
Nicola Dell - University of Washington
Title of Submission: A Mobile Point-of-Care Diagnostic System for Low-Resource Settings
Second Place:
Veronica Ahumada Newhart - University of California, Irvine
Title of Submission: Virtual Inclusion Via Telepresence Robots in the Classroom
Third Place:
Bertrand Schneider - Stanford University
Title of Submission: The Perceptual Benefits of a Tangible Interface Decrease with Users' Expertise
First Place:
Kyoungwon Seo - Hanyang University
Title of Submission: Autonomy-based Rehabilitation Design: Balancing Capability and Complexity
Second Place:
Sarah Weir - MIT
Title of Submission: Learnersourcing Subgoal Labels for How-to Videos
Third Place:
Hiroki Nozaki - Keio University
Title of Submission: Flying Display: A Movable Display Pairing Projector and Screen in the Air
First Place:
Daco Harkes - Delft Techcnial University
Title of Submission: Relations - A first class relationship and first class derivations programming language
Second Place:
Sora Bae - KAIST, Republic of Korea
Title of Submission: Practical Concolic Testing for JavaScript Applications
Third Place:
Jihyeok Park - KAIST, Republic of Korea
Title of Submission: JavaScript API Misuse Detection by Using TypeScript
First Place:
Steven Te Brinke- University of Twente, Netherlands
Title of Submission: Relations - Interpreting Energy Profiles with CEGAR
Second Place:
Rafael Perazzo Barbosa Mota - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Title of Submission: Mechanisms to Ensure Quality of Service for the Internet of Thing
Third Place:
Vanessa N. Cooper - Kennesaw State University
Title of Submission: Android Malware Detection based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence
First Place:
Zalia Shams - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Evaluating Quality of Student-Written Tests
Second Place:
Amber Wagner - University of Alabama
Title of Submission: Myna: A VUI for Programming by Voice
Third Place:
Michael Whitney- University of North Carolina,Charlotte
Title of Submission: Secure Coding Integrative Touchpoint Model
First Place:
John Hirdt - St. Joseph's College
Title of Submission: Network Analysis of Nuclear Databases
Second Place:
Gili Rusak - Siena College
Title of Submission: Properties of Twitter Network Communications among Teenagers
Third Place:
Patrick D'Errico - The College of New Jersey
Title of Submission: BookNav: A System for Accessible Indoor Navigation on Mobile Android Devices
First Place:
Deepak Majeti - Rice University
Title of Submission: Habanero C: A Portable Programming Model for Heterogeneous Processors
Second Place:
Kirill Kononenko - Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Title of Submission: Dynamic Neutralization of Data Leakages
Third Place:
Laust Brock-Nannestad - Technical University of Denmark
Title of Submission: Safe Asynchronous System Calls
First Place:
Yi Lu - New York University
Title of Submission: Unleashing the Power of General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit
ACM Case Studies
Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.

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