Winners, SRC 2018 - 2019
MobileSoft 2019 Winners
First Place:
Larry Singleton - University of Nebraska at Omaha
Title of Submission: Automated Tool Support for Repairing Security Bugs in Android Mobile Apps
Second Place:
Anthony Peruma - Rochester Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Preliminary Study of Android Refactorings
ICSE 2019 Winners
First Place:
Austin Mordahl - The University of Texas at Dallas
Title of Submission: Towards Detection and Characterization of Variability Bugs in Configurable C Software: An Empirical Study
Second Place:
Xiaofei Ge - Nanjing University
Title of Submission: Android GUI Search Using Hand-drawn Sketches
Third Place:
Nghi Bui - Singapore Management University
Title of Submission: Towards Zero Knowledge Learning for Cross Language API Mappings
First Place:
Alejandra Siles - Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo
Title of Submission: TOAD: A tool for recommending auto-refactoring
Second Place:
Aleksandr Tarasov - Innopolis University
Title of Submission: Impact of Lifestyle and Working Process Organization on the Job Satisfaction Level of Software Engineers
Third Place:
Zhiyu Fan - Southern University of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: An systematic evaluation of problematic tests generated by Evosuit
CHI 2019 Winners
First Place:
William Seymour - University of Oxford
Title of Submission: Privacy Therapy with Aretha: What If Your Firewall Could Talk?
Second Place:
Annu Sible Prabhakar - Indiana University
Title of Submission: Designing Compassion Cultivating Interactions for New mothers
Third Place:
Maria D. Molina - Clemson University
Title of Submission: I Am What You Eat: Effects of Social Influence on Meal Selection Online
First Place:
Abraham Glasser - Rochester Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Automatic Speech Recognition Services: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Usability
Second Place:
Xiyuan He - Zhejiang University
Title of Submission: GPK: An Efficient Special Symbol Input Method for Keyboards
Third Place:
Isabella Gomez Torres - University California, San Diego
Title of Submission: Affordable Smart Wheelchair
ASPLOS 019 Winners
First Place:
Jonathan Balkind - Princeton University
Title of Submission: The Emergence of Anti-Locality in Function-as-a-Service Serverless and Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Platforms
Second Place:
Ananda Samajdar - Georgia Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: AIrchitect: Evolving expert AI for accelerator design
Third Place:
Mitali Soni - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title of Submission: As-Is : Architecture for Anytime Computing
First Place:
Samuel Triest - University of Rochester
Title of Submission: A Self-Optimizing Intelligent Camera: Co-Design of Optics, Architecture, and Vision Algorithms
Programming 2019 Winners
First Place:
Patrick Rein - Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Title of Submission: Reading logic as code or as natural language text
Second Place:
Yusuke Izawa - Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: BacCaml: The Meta-Hybrid Just-In-Time Compiler
Third Place:
Jeanine Adkisson - Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Magritte: A modern shell language
First Place:
Francesco Rossini - University of Turin, Italy
Title of Submission: Cantor pairing in a reversible programming language
SAC 2019 Winners
First Place:
Siobhan Duncan - Edinburgh Centre for Robotics
Title of Submission: Taking Stigmergy Out of the Lab and Into the Field
Second Place:
Waqas Khawaja - National University of Ireland, Galway
Title of Submission: Towards Textualising Analytic Provenance for Visual Analytics using Natural Language
Third Place:
Asaf Fux - University of Haifa, Israel
Title of Submission: Video-Based Decision Support for Behavioral Veterinarians: a Case Study of Canine ADHD
SIGCSE 2019 Winners
First Place:
Scott Kolodziej - Texas A&M University
Title of Submission: Empirical Assessment of Software Documentation Strategies: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Second Place:
Amanpreet Kapoor - University of Florida
Title of Submission: Deconstructing Successful and Unsuccessful CS Undergraduate Interns
Third Place:
Olivia Nche - Clemson University
Title of Submission: Engaging African American Elementary School Children in Code Understanding
First Place:
Sara Almeda - The College of New Jersey
Title of Submission: Accessible American Sign Language Recognition with the Leap Motion Controller
Second Place:
Zirui Wang - Birmingham Southern College
Title of Submission: Using Touch and Sound to Program Scratch
Third Place:
Darren Jefferson - Marquette University
Title of Submission: Computer Science Research A Qualitative Study of Wisconsin Computer Science in K-12
CGO 2019 Winners
First Place:
Robin Krupee - TU Darmstadt
Title of Submission: Extending LLVM for Lightweight SPMD Vectorization: Using SIMD and Vector Instructions Easily From Any Language
Second Place:
Keren Zhou - Rice University
Title of Submission: A Tool for Performance Analysis of GPU-accelerated Applications
Third Place:
Alok Mishra - Stonybrook University
Title of Submission: Kernel Fusion/Decomposition for Automatic GPU-Offloading
First Place:
Brandon Neth - University of Arizona
Title of Submission: Automatic Parallelization of Irregular x86-64 Loops
POPL 2019 Winners
First Place:
Aaron Weiss - Northeastern University
Title of Submission: Oxide: The Essence of Rust
Second Place:
Elisabet Lobo Vesga - Chalmers University of Technology
Title of Submission: DPella: A DSL for Privacy-Preserving Queries with Accuracy Guarantees
Third Place:
Lukas Convent - University of Luebeck
Title of Submission: Adaptive Effect Handling in Frank
First Place:
Yixuan Chen - University of Michigan
Title of Submission: Verification of a Cache-optimized Data Structure
Second Place:
Ammar Askar - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Tailored Termination for Improved Supercompilation
Third Place:
Ilia Zaichuk - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Title of Submission: Formal verification of floating-point number conversion between ASN.1 BER and IEEE 754 binary encodings
SC 2018 Winners
First Place:
Christie Louis Alappat - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Title of Submission: Recursive Algebraic Coloring Engine
Second Place:
Roman Kaplan - Israel Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Accelerating DNA Long Read Mapping with Emerging Technologies
Third Place:
Salvatore Di Girolamo - ETH Zurich
Title of Submission: SimFS: A Simulation Data Virtualizing File System Interface
First Place:
Luann Chan Jung - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: Measuring Swampiness: Quantifying Chaos in Large Heterogeneous Data Repositories
Second Place:
Joshua Davis - Univeristy of Delaware
Title of Submission: Studying the Impact of Power Capping on MapReduce-Based, Data-Intensive Mini-Applications on Intel KNL and KNM Architectures
Third Place:
Xiaohe Cheng - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Title of Submission: Accelerating 2D FFT: Exploit GPU Tensor Cores through Mixed-Precision
SIGSPATIAL 2018 Winners
First Place:
Louai Alarabi - University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Summit: A Scalable System for Massive Trajectory Data Management
Second Place:
Xiran Zhou - Arizona State University
Title of Submission: Transferring scale-independent features to support multi-scale object recognition with deep convolutional neural network
Third Place:
Yuanbin Cheng - University of Southern California
Title of Submission: Automatic Intersection Extraction and Building Arrangement with StarCraft II Mapsp
First Place:
Fandel Lin - National Cheng Kung University
Title of Submission: An Intelligent and Interactive Route Planning Maker for Deploying New Transportation Services
Second Place:
Sean Koh Jia Ming - Singapore Management University
Title of Submission: Centroid-Amenities: An Interactive Visual Analytical Tool for Exploring and Analyzing Amenities in Singapore
ICCAD 2018 Winners
First Place:
Gengjie Chen - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title of Submission: Seeing Nano Tree in Giga Forest on Chip
Second Place:
Wuxi Li - University of Texas at Austin
Title of Submission: UTPlaceF: A High-Performance Placement Engine For Modern FPGAs
Third Place:
Satwik Patnaik - New York University
Title of Submission: Advanced CAD Frameworks for Protection of Design IP
First Place:
Zhuangzhuang Zhou - Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Title of Submission: DALS: Delay-driven Approximate Logic Synthesis
SPLASH 2018 Winners
First Place:
Matthias Springer - Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: SoaAlloc: Accelerating Single-Method Multiple-Objects Applications on GPUs
Second Place:
Kirshanthan Sundararajah - Purdue University
Title of Submission: Scheduling Transformations and Dependence Tests for Recursive Programs
First Place:
Justin Lubin - University of Chicago
Title of Submission: Approximating Polymorphic Effects with Capabilities
Second Place:
Paulette Koronkevich - Indiana University
Title of Submission: Obsidian in the Rough: A Case Study Evaluation of a New Blockchain Programming Language
Third Place:
Serena Chen - Olin College
Title of Submission: Finding Higher Order Mutants Using Variational Execution
ESEC/FSE 2018 Winners
First Place:
Daniel DeFreez - University of California Davis
Title of Submission: Mining Error-Handling Specifications for Systems Software
Second Place:
Ameya Ketkar - Oregon State University
Title of Submission: Type Migration in Large-Scale Code Bases
Third Place:
Son Nguyen - The University of Texas at Dallas
Title of Submission: Feature-Interaction Aware Configuration Prioritization
First Place:
David Tommassi - University of California, Davis
Title of Submission: Bugs in the Wild: Examining the Effectiveness of Static Analyzers at Finding Real-World Bugs
Second Place:
Vaastav Anand - The University of British Columbia
Title of Submission: Dara - Hybrid Model Checking of Distributed Systems
Third Place:
Neil Robson - NC State University
Title of Submission: Diversity and Decorum in Open Source Communities
MobiCom 2018 Winners
First Place:
Ali Abedi - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: Bringing mmWave Communication to Raspberry Pi:
Second Place:
Neha Jain - IIIT-Delhi
Title of Submission: Sparse signal recovery and energy harvesting for potential 5G applications
Third Place:
Revathy Narayanan - Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Title of Submission: Maintaining UAV Stability using Low-Power WANs
PACT 2018 Winners
First Place:
Chloe Alverti - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Title of Submission: Towards Speculative Offset-Based Address Translation
Second Place:
Christina Giannoula - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Title of Submission: Employing Hardware Transactional Memory to Design a Balanced Graph Coloring Algorithm
Third Place:
Konstantinos Tovletoglou - Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
Title of Submission: Implementation of a Heterogeneous-Reliability Memory Framework
First Place:
Dimitris Karnikis - Institute of Computer Science Foundation for Research and Technology
Title of Submission: A Trusted Execution Framework for Android Based on Secure Enclaves
Second Place:
Georgios Anagnopoulos - Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), Greece
Title of Submission: GHAMMER: A GPGPU Rowhammering Attack
ASSETS 2018 Winners
First Place:
Tanya Bafna - Technical University of Denmark
Title of Submission: Gaze Typing using Multi-key Selection Mechanism
Second Place:
Irene Rogan Shaffer - Boston University
Title of Submission: Exploring the Performance of Facial Expression Recognition Technologies on Deaf Adults and Their Children
Third Place:
Siddharth Mehrotra - RWTH Aachen University
Title of Submission: Potmote: A TV Remote Control for Older Adults
First Place:
Natalie Friedman - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Using a Telepresence Robot to Improve Self-Efficacy of People with Developmental Disabilities
Second Place:
Conor McKillop - University of Dundee
Title of Submission: Designing A Context Aware AAC Solution
Third Place:
Dylan Gaines - Michigan Technical University
Title of Submission: Exploring an Ambiguous Technique for Eyes-Free Mobile Text Entry
SIGMICRO 2018 Winners
First Place:
David Schlais - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title of Submission: Configurable Tightly-Coupled FPGA-style fabric for Fine-Grained Acceleration
Second Place:
Mehdi Alipour - Uppsala University
Title of Submission: Minimum Out-of-Order Core
Third Place:
Bojian Zheng - Univsersity of Toronto
Title of Submission: EcoRNN: Efficient Computing of LSTM RNN on GPUs
First Place:
Katie Lim - Princeton University
Title of Submission: Building a Heterogeneous ISA Research Platform Using the OpenPiton Framework
Second Place:
Yu-Shun Hsiao - National Tsing Hua University Title of Submission: FlexNet: Neural Networks with Inherent Inference-Time Bitwidth Flexibility
Third Place:
Kyosuke Tanaka - The University of Electro-Communications
Title of Submission: Optimizing Memory Hierarchy within an Internet Router for High-Throughput and Energy-Efficient Packet Processing
Grace Hopper Celebration 2018 Winners
First Place:
Niveditha Kalavakonda - University of Washington - Seattle
Title of Submission: Robotic and Neurosurgical Instrument Segmentation for Development of Intelligent Surgical Assistant
Second Place:
Zahra Shamsi - University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Title of Submission: Intelligent Selection of Features Using Reinforcement Learning
Third Place:
Negin Forouzesh - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Title of Submission: Finding Optimal Dielectric Boundary for Practical Continuum Solvent Calculations
First Place:
Valerie Chen - Yale University
Title of Submission: Experimental Multi-Party Computation on Real Data Using SPDZ
Second Place:
Tram Nguyen - Stetson University
Title of Submission: Towards Detecting “Fake News” by Propagating Bias Through a Network of Linked Assertions
Third Place:
Tammy Lee - University of West Georgia
Title of Submission: Scratch Hackathon for Teenagers
ICFP 2018 Winners
First Place:
Michael Arntznenius - University of Birmingham
Title of Submission: Type Inference for Monotonicity
Second Place:
Tristan Knoth - UC San Diego
Title of Submission: Resource-Guided Program Synthesis
Third Place:
Koen Pauwels - KU Leuven
Title of Submission: Bidirectional Type Class Instances
First Place:
Jesse Sigal - University of Oxford
Title of Submission: Denotational Semantics for Differentiable Programming with Manifolds
TAPIA 2018 Winners
First Place:
Niveditha Kalavakonda - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Isosurface Visualization Using Augmented Reality for Improving Tumor Resection Outcomes
Second Place:
Aakriti Kumari Upadhyay - University at Albany, SUNY
Title of Submission: Rapidly Exploring Random Search Explorer
Third Place:
Hajar Emami Gohari - Wayne State University
Title of Submission: Synthetic CT Generation from MRI Data Using Generative Adversarial Networks
First Place:
Elizaveta Tremsina - UC Berkeley
Title of Submission: Your Story Recorded in a Magnet: Micromagnetic Simulations of Spin-Orbit Torque in Multi-layer Structures
Second Place:
Eric Jenkins - Georgia Gwinnett College
Title of Submission: Spreading Interest in Information Technology through Video Games
SIGCOMM 2018 Winners
First Place:
Suraj Jog - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Title of Submission: Enabling Dense Spatial Reuse in mmWave Networks"
Second Place:
Marcin Nawrocki - Freie Universität Berlin
Title of Submission: On the Potential of BGP Flowspec for DDoS Mitigation at Two Sources: ISP and IXP
Third Place:
Pedro Marcos - UFRGS and FURG
Title of Submission: Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Interconnection eXchange
First Place:
Zili Meng - Tsinghua University
Title of Submission: PAM: When Overloaded, Push Your Neighbor Aside!"
Second Place:
Gonzalo Marín - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Title of Submission: RawPower: Deep Learning based Anomaly Detection from Raw Network Traffic Measurements"
Third Place:
Angelo Tulumello - CNIT/University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Title of Submission: A Fully Portable TCP Implementation Using XFSMs"
SIGGRAPH 2018 Winners
First Place:
Seungbae Bang - KAIST
Title of Submission: Computation of Skinning Weight using Spline Interface
Second Place:
Markus Schuetz - TU Wien, Austria
Title of Submission: Progressive Real-Time Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds
Third Place:
Chloe LeGendre - USC Inst for Creative Technologies
Title of Submission: Efficient Multispectral Facial Capture With Monochrome Cameras
First Place:
Biance Cirdei - Bournemouth University
Title of Submission: Withering Fruits: Vegetable Matter Decay and Fungus Growth
Second Place:
Kaizhang Kang - Zhejiang University
Title of Submission: Learning Optimal Lighting Patterns for Efficient SVBRDF Acquisition
Third Place:
Yuka Takahashi - University of Tokyo
Title of Submission: Stitch: An Interactive Design System for Hand-Sewn Embroidery
SIGDOC 2018 Winners
First Place:
David Mueller - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Actions and Strategies: A Verbal Data Analysis of Phishing Emails
Second Place:
Jason Tham - IT University of Minnesota
Title of Submission: Learning from Making: A Design Challenge in Technical Writing and Communication
Third Place:
Yeqing Kong - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Constructing Artificial Intelligence in Newspaper: A Cross-Cultural Analysis in the U.S. and China
First Place:
Tyler William Black - University of Waterloo
Title of Submission: Cross-Disciplinary Instructional Design and Communication
ACM Case Studies
Written by leading domain experts for software engineers, ACM Case Studies provide an in-depth look at how software teams overcome specific challenges by implementing new technologies, adopting new practices, or a combination of both. Often through first-hand accounts, these pieces explore what the challenges were, the tools and techniques that were used to combat them, and the solution that was achieved.

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