Winners, SRC 2008 - 2009
First Place:
Sara Alspaugh - University of Virginia
Title of Submission: Policy-driven Data Management for Distributed Scientific Collaborations using a Rule Engine
First Place:
Gabriel E. Martinez - Virginia Tech
Title of Submission: Characterizing and Optimizing Virtualization Overhead for Portable High-performance Networking
First Place:
Akila Gothandaraman - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Title of Submission: A GPU-Accelerated Method for Estimating the Desolvation Energy of Protein Complexes
Second Place:
David Dynerman - University of Wisconsin
Title of Submission: Exploring the Cognitive Consequences of Social Search
Third Place:
Abhinav Bhatele - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Title of Submission: Effects of Contention on Message Latencies in Large Supercomputers
First Place:
Kevin Bierhoff - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Checking API Protocol Compliance in Java
Second Place:
Michael Gegick - North Carolina State University
Title of Submission: Failure-prone Components are also Attack-prone Components
Third Place:
Marwan Abi-Antoun - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Static Extraction and Conformance Checking of the Runtime Architecture of Object-Oriented Systems
First Place:
Keith Trnka - University of Delaware
Title of Submission: Adapting word prediction to subject matter without topic-labeled data
Second Place:
Xu Liu - University of Maryland
Title of Submission: A Camera Phone Based Currency Reader for the Visually Impaired
Third Place:
Mohammed E. Hoque - MIT
Title of Submission: Analysis of Speech Properties of Neurotypicals and Individuals Diagnosed with Autism and Down's Syndrome
First Place:
Stratis Ioanidis - University of Toronto
Title of Submission: On the Distribution of Content Updates over a Mobile Social Network
Second Place:
Samuel Nelson - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Title of Submission: Encounter-Based Routing in DTNs
Third Place:
Dimitrios Koutsonikolas - Purdue University
Title of Submission: XCOR: Synergistic Interflow Network Coding and Opportunistic Routing
First Place:
Ramya Raghavendra - University of California, Santa Barbara
Title of Submission: A Case for Adapting Channel Width in Wireless Networks
Second Place:
Sadaf Zahedi - University of California, Los Angeles
Title of Submission: Quality of Information-Aware Design and Management of Sensor Network
Third Place:
Candy Yiu - Portland State University
Title of Submission: 60GHZ High Speed Wireless Architecture
First Place:
Neha Singh - IIT Bombay
Title of Submission: Scaling Network Games Using Collaborative P2P Overlay
Second Place:
Alice (Xuexin) Zhu - Harvey Mudd College
Title of Submission: HoverCross: Modeless Editing for Pen-Based Computing
Third Place:
Sarah M. Loos - Indiana University
Title of Submission: Variations of Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
First Place:
Max Grosse - Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar
Title of Submission: Coded Aperture Projection
Second Place:
Ly Phan - Washington University/St.Louis
Title of Submission: Surface Reconstruction from Point Set Using Projection Operator
Third Place:
Hitoshi Uno - Kwansei Gakuin University
Title of Submission: Lace Curtain: Measurement of BTDF and rendering of woven cloth
First Place:
Yves Petinot - Columbia University
Title of Submission: Context-based URL Summarization
Second Place:
Charlie Hargood - University of Southampton
Title of Submission: A Thematic Model for Narrative Generation
Third Place:
Danielle Hyunsook Lee
Title of Submission: PITTCULT: Recommender System using Trusted Human Network
First Place:
Haifeng He - University of Arizona
Title of Submission: Compressing Dynamic Data Structures
Second Place:
Anne Mulhern- University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title of Submission: Effective Slicing
Third Place:
Michael Achenbach - University of Aarhus
Title of Submission: Hybrid Program Analysis for Error Detection
First Place:
William Odom - University of Indiana
Title of Submission: Personal Inventories: Toward Durable Human-Product Relationships
Second Place:
Lisa Nathan - University of Washington
Title of Submission: Ecovillages, Values, and Information Technology: Balancing Sustainability with Daily Life in 21st Century America
Second Place:
Ye Kyaw Thu - Waseda University
Title of Submission: Positional Prediction: Consonant Cluster Prediction Text Entry Method for Burmese
First Place:
Suzanne Prior - University of Dundee
Title of Submission: Interface Metaphor Design and Instant Messaging for Older Adults
Second Place:
Gero Herkenrath - Aachen University
Title of Submission: TWEND: Twisting and Bending as New Interaction Gesture in Mobile Devices
Third Place:
Zhiquan Yeo - Carnegie Mellon University
Title of Submission: Emotional Instant Messaging with KIM
First Place:
Tal Rusak - Cornell University
Title of Submission: Accurate, Scalable Simulation of Tiny OS Sensor Networks using Physically-Based Signal Power Models
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